Étiquette : psychiatrie

The Role of MDMA Neurotoxicity in Anxiety, Casey R. Guillot et al., 2007

The Role of MDMA Neurotoxicity in Anxiety Casey R. Guillot, Mitchell E. Berman and Brenton R. Abadie In : Neurotoxicity Syndromes, Chapter I ISBN: 978-1-60021-797-5 Editor: Linda R. Webster, pp. 1 - 36 © 2007 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Abstract The drug 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA; Ecstasy) long has been considered a neurotoxin selective for serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) axons in rats and nonhuman primates. MDMA is also thought to have the potential to cause persistent serotonergic alterations in humans. Since the serotonin system is involved in the regulation of anxiety, researchers have proposed that recreational Ecstasy users may be at risk for the development of anxiety disorders and symptoms. [...]

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Utilisation des substances psychédéliques en thérapeutique et « auto-expérimentation », Christian Sueur, Colloque ATHS, 4 octobre 2019, Biarritz

Utilisation des substances psychédéliques en thérapeutique et « auto-expérimentation » Docteur Christian SUEUR Colloque ATHS, 4 octobre 2019, Biarritz   Le 14 mai dernier, est paru sur le site Vice.com, un article signé de Shayla Love, intitulé « The Ethics of Taking the Drugs You Study. Should psychedelic scientists trip on the drugs they research ? ».[1] Cette question pause la question, tant éthique que technique, de la nécessaire juxtaposition, lorsque l’on envisage la mise en place de thérapies psychédéliques, des apports récents de la neurobiologie éclairant le mode d’action cérébral des substances psychédéliques, et de la connaissance des effets psychiques de ces substances, grâce à l’auto-expérimentation des effets de [...]

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Renseignements destinés aux professionnels de la santé : Le cannabis (marijuana, marihuana) et les cannabinoïdes, Santé Canada, dernière version octobre 2018

Renseignements destinés aux professionnels de la santé : Le cannabis (marijuana, marihuana) et les cannabinoïdes (Version PDF - 2,690 Ko) https://www.canada.ca/fr/sante-canada/services/drogues-medicaments/cannabis/renseignements-medecins/renseignements-destines-professionnels-sante-cannabis-cannabinoides.html Santé Canada Auteur : Hanan Abramovici Ph.D. Co-auteurs : Sophie-Anne Lamour, Ph.D. et George Mammen, Ph.D. Nous republions cet excellent document de Santé Canada, et surtout, le résumé des indications reconnues, et envisagées, du cannabis thérapeutique.   Aperçu des énoncés récapitulatifs Les énoncés récapitulatifs suivants visent à résumer le contenu des sections 4.0 (Usages thérapeutiques possibles) et 7.0 (Effets indésirables) et leurs sous-sections respectives. Les énoncés récapitulatifs peuvent être également trouvés dans leurs sections et sous-sections respectives dans le corps même du document. Remarque: la plupart des études [...]

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Psychiatric Practice Patterns and Barriers to the Adoption of Esketamine, Samuel T. Wilkinson et al., 2019

Psychiatric Practice Patterns and Barriers to the Adoption of Esketamine Samuel T. Wilkinson, David H. Howard,  Susan H. Busch JAMA Published online August 2, 2019 doi:10.1001/jama.2019.10728   Major depressive disorder (MDD) affects approximately 17.3 million adults in the United States,1 with a 12-month and lifetime prevalence of 10.4% and 20.6%, respectively.2 Conducting clinical trials and developing new treatments for depression can be difficult because of spontaneous recovery rates and placebo effects.3 In addition, many patients with chronic and refractory MDD do not experience clinical improvement even after several treatment courses. There is growing interest in the use of exercise and improved nutrition to treat depression,4 [...]

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The association between cannabis use and psychiatric comorbidity in people with personality disorders : A population-based longitudinal study, Nadav Shalita et al., 2019

The association between cannabis use and psychiatric comorbidity in people with personality disorders : A population-based longitudinal study Nadav Shalita, Jürgen Rehmb, Shaul Lev-Ran Psychiatry Research, 2019, 278, 70–77 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2019.05.041 A B S T R A C T Both personality disorders (PD) and cannabis use are highly comorbid with various psychiatric disorders. While previous research indicates specific interactions between cannabis use and schizotypal PD associated with schizophrenia, research into cannabis use among individuals with other PDs and the development of several additional psychiatric disorders is scarce. We explored the prevalence and incidence of psychiatric disorders among individuals with PDs who use cannabis, and whether individuals [...]

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The Relevance of Sex in the Association of Synthetic Cannabinoid Use With Psychosis and Agitation in an Inpatient Population, Anahita Bassir Nia et al., 2019

The Relevance of Sex in the Association of Synthetic Cannabinoid Use With Psychosis and Agitation in an Inpatient Population Anahita Bassir Nia, MD‡; Claire L. Mann, BA; Sharron Spriggs, MA; Daniel R. DeFrancisco, MD; Steven Carbonaro, MD; Lyla Parvez, MA; Igor I. Galynker, MD, PhD; Charles A. Perkel, MD; and Yasmin L. Hurd, PhD Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2019, 80, (4), 18m12539 https://doi.org/10.4088/JCP.18m12539 Background : Current evidence suggests that women are more sensitive to the effects of cannabinoids. The aim of this study was to investigate the relevance of sex in the association of synthetic cannabinoid (SC) use with psychosis and agitation. Methods : A [...]

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Case Series: Salvia divinorum as a Potential Addictive Hallucinogen, Joseph El-Khoury & Evelyne Baroud, 2018

Case Series: Salvia divinorum as a Potential Addictive Hallucinogen Joseph El-Khoury, Evelyne Baroud The American Journal on Addictions, 2018, 27, 163–165 DOI: 10.1111/ajad.12715   Background and Objective : Recreational use of Salvia divinorum (salvia), a potent, naturally occurring hallucinogen, is on the rise internationally. Despite the paucity of information about its long term health effects, salvia is readily available and generally portrayed as a safe non-addictive substance. Methods and Results : We report on two patients who presented with an enduring and pervasive pattern of salvia use. Discussion and Conclusions : Evaluating patients for salvia use during clinical assessment is strongly encouraged, especially among young polysubstance users. Scientific [...]

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Integrating Psychedelic Medicines and Psychiatry : Theory and Methods of a Model Clinic, Jordan Sloshower, 2018

Integrating Psychedelic Medicines and Psychiatry : Theory and Methods of a Model Clinic Jordan Sloshower Chapter 7, In : Labate B., Cavnar C. (eds) : Plant Medicines, Healing and Psychedelic Science,  2018 © Springer International Publishing AG 2018 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-76720-8_7   Abstract The past two decades has seen a significant increase in both popular and scientific interest in psychedelic substances and plants as therapeutics for mental illness, addictions, and psychospiritual suffering. Current psychiatric practice privileges a biological paradigm in which the brain is considered the locus of mental illness and symptom-focused treatments are delivered to patients as passive recipients. In contrast, a psychedelic healing paradigm, constructed through [...]

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Reefer Madness : A Case of Cannabis-Induced Psychosis, Matthew C. Ballenberger et al., 2019

Reefer Madness : A Case of Cannabis-Induced Psychosis Matthew C. Ballenberger,  Robert D. Glatter,  Daniel P. Klein,  Steven Mandel, Medscape Psychiatry,  August 15, 2019 Clinical Presentation A 32-year-old woman with a history of iron-deficiency anemia was brought in by ambulance because of altered mental status. The patient's sister and boyfriend reported that 1 day before presentation, the patient had ingested a marijuana edible and a few hours later developed fatigue and nausea, followed by at least 15 episodes of nonbloody, nonbilious, projectile vomiting throughout the night. In the morning, she became very pale, her lips turned blue, and she became stiff, losing consciousness for [...]

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Ayahuasca and Public Health: Health Status, Psychosocial Well-Being, Lifestyle, and Coping Strategies in a Large Sample of Ritual Ayahuasca Users, Genís Ona et al., 2019

Ayahuasca and Public Health : Health Status, Psychosocial Well-Being, Lifestyle, and Coping Strategies in a Large Sample of Ritual Ayahuasca Users Genís Ona, Maja Kohek, Tomàs Massaguer, Alfred Gomariz, Daniel F. Jiménez, Rafael G. Dos Santos, Jaime E. C. Hallak, Miguel Ángel Alcázar- Córcoles & José Carlos Bouso Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/02791072.2019.1567961   ABSTRACT Assessing the health status of ayahuasca users has been challenging due to the limitations involved in randomized clinical trials and psychometric approaches. The main objective of this study is the implementation of an approach based on public health indicators. We developed a self-administered questionnaire that was administered to long-term [...]

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