Étiquette : ethnopharmacologie

Bibliographie : Psilocybes, psilocybine, Dr Christian Sueur, GRECC, octobre 2019

BIBLIOGRAPHIE : Psilocybes, psilocybine. Dr Christian SUEUR, GRECC, décembre 2019   Psilocybes, psilocybine : généralités ..............................1 Psilocybes : ethnologie ...................................................2 Psilocybine : clinique psychiatrique ..............................4 Psilocybine : pharmacologie ..........................................5 Psilocybine : toxicologie - "effets indésirables" .............7 Psilocybine : neurophysiologie ......................................9 Psilocybine : expériences mystiques .............................13 Psilocybine : thérapie psychédélique ............................15-19    

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Distribution, Status, Pharmacological, and Traditional importance of Peganum harmala L., Nissar Ahmad Khan et al., 2017

Distribution, Status, Pharmacological, and Traditional importance of Peganum harmala L. Nissar Ahmad Khan, Aamir Raina, Nasir Aziz Wagay, Younas Rasheed Tantray International Journal of Advance research in Science and Engineering, 2017, 6, (8), 1887-1894. www.ijarse.com   ABSTRACT Peganum harmala L. Commonly known as Syrian rue, Wild rue or Harmal is native to arid and semi-arid regions of Northern African and Asian deserts that have spread to parts of the southwestern United States and Northern Mexico. It is a multipurpose medicinal plant with antimicrobial, antifungal, anti inflammatory, antidiabetic, anti cancerous, hypothermic and hallucinogenic activities. Phytochemical investigations has revealed the presences of a number of active alkaloids [...]

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Chapter 8 : Pilgrimage to the Light ? On the Threshold of a Dream: Sacred Plants, Passionate Dedication to Ideals, and Healing, Richard Yensen, 2015

Chapter 8 : Pilgrimage to the Light ? On the Threshold of a Dream: Sacred Plants, Passionate Dedication to Ideals, and Healing Richard Yensen January 2015 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282132139   The desire to incorporate ancient healing practices with sacred plants into modern medicine has been a central passion of my career as a clinician and psychedelic researcher for over 40 years. During that time Mexico has offered me friendship, collegiality, adventure, and wonder. At times I have felt when visiting first Nations in Mexico like I was stepping back into ancient times. The wonder and honor of knowing Maria Sabina, Don Ricardo, Niuweme, and other healers and [...]

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Medicinal properties of Peganum harmala L. in traditional Iranian medicine and modern phytotherapy : a review, Mina Cheraghi Niroumand et al., 2015

Medicinal properties of Peganum harmala L. in traditional Iranian medicine and modern phytotherapy: a review Mina Cheraghi Niroumand, Mohammad Hosein Farzaei, Gholamreza Amin Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2015, 35, (1), 104-109.   Abstract OBJECTIVE : To review the pharmacological activities of Peganum harmala L. (P. harmala, Nitrariaceae) in traditional Iranian medicine (TIM) and modern phytotherapy. METHODS : Opinions of TIM and modern phytotherapy about safety and acceptable dosage of this plant are discussed. Various medical properties of P. harmala were collected from important TIM references and added to scientific reports derived from modern medical databases like PubMed, Scirus, ScienceDirect and Scopus. RESULTS : The main medicinal [...]

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Amanita muscaria: chemistry, biology, toxicology, and ethnomycology, Didier MICHELOT, Leda Maria MELENDEZ-HOWELL, 2003 

Amanita muscaria: chemistry, biology, toxicology, and ethnomycology Didier MICHELOT, Leda Maria MELENDEZ-HOWELL Mycological Research, 2003, 107, (2), 131-146. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0953756203007305   The fly agaric is a remarkable mushroom in many respects; these are its bearing, history, chemical components and the poisoning that it provokes when consumed. The ‘pantherina’ poisoning syndrome is characterized by central nervous system dysfunction. The main species responsible are Amanita muscaria and A. pantherina (Amanitaceae) ; however, some other species of the genus have been suspected for similar actions. Ibotenic acid and muscimol are the active components, and probably, some other substances detected in the latter species participate in the psychotropic effects. The [...]

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The therapeutic potential of harmine and ayahuasca in depression : Evidence from exploratory animal and human studies, Flávia de Lima Osório et al., 2011

The therapeutic potential of harmine and ayahuasca in depression : Evidence from exploratory animal and human studies Flávia de Lima Osório, Ligia Ribeiro Horta de Macedo, João Paulo Machado de Sousa, Joel Porfírio Pinto, João Quevedo, José Alexandre de Souza Crippa and Jaime Eduardo C. Hallak The Ethnopharmacology of Ayahuasca, chapitre 5, 2011, 75-85 Editor : Rafael Guimarães dos Santos ISBN: 978-81-7895-526-1 Abstract The high prevalence and the socio-functional impairment associated with depressive disorders, added to the limitations of currently available treatments, justify the search for novel pharmacological strategies for the management of depression. This chapter presents the major results of animal and human studies conducted [...]

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Ayahuasca in Adolescence : A Neuropsychological Assessment, Evelyn Doering-Silveira, Charles S. Grob et al., 2005

Ayahuasca in Adolescence : A Neuropsychological Assessment Evelyn Doering-Silveira, Enrique Lopez,  Charles S. Grob, Marlene Dobkin de Rios, Luisa K. Alonso, Cristiane Tacla,Itiro Shirakawa,  Paulo H. Bertolucci,  & Dartiu X. Da Silveira Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 2005, 37, (2), 123-128.   Abstract The purpose of the study was to evaluate neuropsychologically adolescents who use ayahuasca in a religious context. A battery of neuropsychological tests was administered to adolescents who use ayahuasca. These subjects were compared to a matched control group of adolescents who did not use ayahuasca. The controls were matched with regards to sex, age, and education. The neuropsychological battery included tests of speeded [...]

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Effects of a Psychedelic, Tropical Tea, Ayahuasca, on the Electroencephalographic (EEG) Activity of the Human Brain during a Shamanistic Ritual, Erik Hoffmann et al., 2001

Effects of a Psychedelic, Tropical Tea, Ayahuasca, on the Electroencephalographic (EEG) Activity of the Human Brain during a Shamanistic Ritual Erik Hoffmann, Jan M. Keppel Hesselink, Yatra-W.M. da Silveira Barbosa MAPS Bulletin, Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, USA, Spring 2001, pp 25-30   Abstract Eight channels of EEG from 12 volunteers participating in a workshop in Brazil were recorded under field conditions before and after a shamanistic ritual in which the psychoactive tea, ayahuasca, was consumed. Following three doses of the tea, the subjects showed strong and statistically significant increases of both EEG alpha (8-13Hz) and theta (4-8Hz) mean amplitudes compared to baseline while beta [...]

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Ayahuasca, Psychedelic Studies and Health Sciences: The Politics of Knowledge and Inquiry into an Amazonian Plant Brew, Kenneth W. Tupper and Beatriz C. Labate, 2014

Ayahuasca, Psychedelic Studies and Health Sciences: The Politics of Knowledge and Inquiry into an Amazonian Plant Brew Kenneth W. Tupper, and Beatriz C. Labate Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 2014, 7, 71-80   Abstract : This article offers critical sociological and philosophical reflections on ayahuasca and other psychedelics as objects of research in medicine, health and human sciences. It situates 21st century scientific inquiry on ayahuasca in the broader context of how early modern European social trends and intellectual pursuits translated into new forms of empiricism and experimental philosophy, but later evolved into a form of dogmatism that convenienced the political suppression of academic inquiry into [...]

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Il y a herbe et herbe, Michka Seeliger-Chatelain, Chimères, 2014

Il y a herbe et herbe Michka SEELIGER-CHATELAIN ERES | « Chimères », 2014/1 N° 82 | pages 43 à 48 https://www.cairn.inforevue-chimeres-2014-1-page-43.htm   Jean-Philippe Cazier : Vous dites que fumer de l’herbe vous a permis d’échapper à une forme de rationalité trop stricte. Est-ce que vous diriez que le cannabis a rendu possible, pour vous, un nouveau rapport au monde et à soi, de produire une forme de subjectivité ? M. : Le mot « cannabis » est encore plus vague que le mot « vin ». Il y a un monde entre le gros rouge de base et un grand cru élevé avec amour. Le [...]

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