Étiquette : prescriptions

Increased nature relatedness and decreased authoritarian political views after psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression, Taylor Lyons, Robin L. Carhart-Harris, 2018

Increased nature relatedness and decreased authoritarian political views after psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression LYONS T., CARHART-HARRIS R.L. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2018, 32, 7, 811-819. Doi : 10.1177/0269881117748902   journals.sagepub.com/home/jop   Abstract Rationale : Previous research suggests that classical psychedelic compounds can induce lasting changes in personality traits, attitudes and beliefs in both healthy subjects and patient populations. Aim : Here we sought to investigate the effects of psilocybin on nature relatedness and libertarian authoritarian political perspective in patients with treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Methods : This open-label pilot study with a mixed-model design studied the effects of psilocybin on measures of nature relatedness and libertarian– authoritarian political perspective in patients with [...]

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Individual Experiences in Four Cancer Patients Following Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy, Tara C. Malone et al., 2018

Individual Experiences in Four Cancer Patients Following Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy Tara C. Malone, Sarah E. Mennenga, Jeffrey Guss, Samantha K. Podrebarac, Lindsey T. Owens, Anthony P. Bossis, Alexander B. Belser, Gabrielle Agin-Liebes, Michael P. Bogenschutz and Stephen Ross Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018, 9, 256 doi: 10.3389/fphar.2018.00256   Abstract : A growing body of evidence shows that existential and spiritual well-being in cancer patients is associated with better medical outcomes, improved quality of life, and serves as a buffer against depression, hopelessness, and desire for hastened death. Historical and recent research suggests a role for psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy in treating cancer-related anxiety and depression. A double-blind controlled trial was performed, where 29 [...]

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Cannabinoid-Based Therapies and Brain Development : Potential Harmful Effect of Early Modulation of the Endocannabinoid System, P. Schonhofen et al., 2018.

Cannabinoid-Based Therapies and Brain Development : Potential Harmful Effect of Early Modulation of the Endocannabinoid System. Patricia Schonhofen, Ivi Juliana Bristot, José Alexandre Crippa, Jaime Eduardo Cecilio Hallak, Antonio Waldo Zuardi, Richard B. Parsons, Fabio Klamt CNS Drugs, 2018, 32 (Suppl 1), 1-16 https///doi.org/10.1007/s40263-018-0550-4 Abstract : The endocannabinoid retrograde signaling pathway is widely expressed in the central nervous system, where it plays major roles in regulating synaptic plasticity (excitatory and inhibitory) through long-term potentiation and long-term depression. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) components-cannabinoid receptors, endocannabinoids and synthesis/degradation enzymes-are expressed and are functional from early developmental stages and throughout adolescent cortical development, regulating progenitor cell fate, neural [...]

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How effective and safe is medical cannabis as a treatment of mental disorders? A systematic review, Eva Hoch et al., 2019

How effective and safe is medical cannabis as a treatment of mental disorders ? A systematic review Eva Hoch,· Dominik Niemann, · Rupert von Keller, · Miriam Schneider, · Chris M. Friemel, · Ulrich W. Preuss ,·Alkomiet Hasan, · Oliver Pogarell European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 2019 Doi.org/10.1007/s00406-019-00984-4   Abstract : We conducted a review of systematic reviews (SRs) and randomized-controlled trials (RCTs) to analyze efficacy and safety of cannabis-based medication in patients with mental disorders. Five data bases were systematically searched (2006—August 2018); 4 SRs (of 11 RCTs) and 14 RCTs (1629 participants) were included. Diagnoses were: dementia, cannabis and opioid dependence, psychoses/schizophrenia, general [...]

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Pills to Pot : Observational Analyses of Cannabis Substitution Among Medical Cannabis Users With Chronic Pain, K.F. Boehnke, 2019

Pills to Pot : Observational Analyses of Cannabis Substitution Among Medical Cannabis Users With Chronic Pain Kevin F. Boehnke, J. Ryan Scott, Evangelos Litinas, Suzanne Sisley, David A. Williams, Daniel J. Clauw The Journal of Pain, 2019 https://www.jpain.org/article/S1526-5900(18)30735-1/fulltext DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpain.2019.01.010 Highlights •Medical cannabis users reported substituting cannabis for pain medications. •User rationale for substitution was fewer side effects and better pain management. •Most users reported improved pain and health since using cannabis. •Intentions behind and duration of cannabis use affected substitution behavior. •Unlike previous studies, >50% of participants were women and adults >50 years old. Abstract Chronic pain is common, costly, and challenging to treat. Many [...]

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What Is the CBD Dosing Required for Effective Pain Relief ? Medscape, 14/12/2018

What Is the CBD Dosing Required for Effective Pain Relief ? Damian McNamara, CME, Laurie Barclay, MD Posted: 12/14/2018 Clinical Context The effects of cannabis in humans include euphoria, increased sensitivity to external experience, relaxation, and potential for addiction. Cannabidiol is a compound in the cannabis plant that lacks euphoric and addictive qualities and that may be useful to treat conditions including chronic pain, nausea, epilepsy, psychosis, and anxiety. The optimal therapeutic dose of CBD has not yet been determined, and it has been used in a wide dose range from 2.85 to 50 mg/kg/day. The therapeutic effects of CBD appear to emanate from its interaction [...]

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Cannabis and Mood Disorders, Aliya M. Lucatch et al., 2018

Cannabis and Mood Disorders Aliya M. Lucatch, Alexandria S. Coles, Kevin P. Hill & Tony P. George Current Addiction Reports, 2018 Sep, 5, 3, 336-345. doi: 10.1007/s40429-018-0214-y. Epub 2018 May 10. # Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018   Abstract : Purpose of Review : The present review will provide an overview of the neurobiology, epidemiology, clinical impact, and treatment of cannabis use disorder (CUD) in mood disorders. Recent Findings : Patients with mood disorders including major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD) have higher rates of cannabis use, and CUD compared to the general population. Reasons for this association are not clear, nor [...]

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Interactions du CBD avec des médicaments sous ordonnance, blog-cannabis.com, repris sur Principesactifs.org, 2019

Interactions du CBD avec des médicaments sous ordonnance Source : blog-cannabis.com, repris sur Principesactifs.org, 2019 Le CBD est considéré comme bénin, mais il existe beaucoup d’interactions médicamenteuses à éviter avec les médicaments sous ordonnance… "Le CBD fait fureur, ce cannabinoïde non toxique a une tonne d’avantages médicaux. Les gens de tous âges utilisent le CBD pour traiter des problèmes médicaux graves comme l’épilepsie, la maladie de Parkinson, ainsi que des problèmes de santé mentale comme l’anxiété, la dépression et la toxicomanie. Mais il est important d’apprendre comment il peut interagir avec d’autres médicaments sous ordonnance." https://www.principesactifs.org/interactions-du-cdb-avec-des-medicaments-sous-ordonnance/

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Cannabidiol (CBD) : analyse de situation, Rapport de Recherche n° 97, “Addiction Suisse”, 2019

Cannabidiol (CBD) : analyse de situation Frank ZOBEL, Luca NOTARI, Eva SCHNEIDER, Ocyna RUDMANN Addiction Suisse, Lausanne, janvier 2019 Rapport de recherche N° 97 https://www.addictionsuisse.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/DocUpload/Rapport-CBD-final.pdf   Table des matières Liste des tableaux Liste des graphiques 1 Introduction 2 Méthode 3 Brève analyse de la littérature sur les effets du Cannabidiol (CBD) 3.1 Méthode 3.2 Usages du CBD et effets 3.3 Pourquoi prendre du CBD? Amélioration de la qualité de vie/réduction de certains symptômes dans le domaine somatique Amélioration de la qualité de vie/réduction de certains symptômes dans le domaine psychique Traitement/prévention de maladies chroniques et neurodégénératives, renforcement du système immunitaire . Traitement de troubles neurologiques diagnostiqués . Autres 3.4 Que sait-on de ces effets à ce jour? 3.5 Le CBD peut-il [...]

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Medical cannabis : An oxymoron ? Physicians’ perceptions of medical cannabis, Yuval ZOLOTOVA et al., 2018

Medical cannabis : An oxymoron ? Physicians’ perceptions of medical cannabis Yuval ZOLOTOVA, Simon VULFSONS, Dana ZARHIN, Sharon SZNITMAN International Journal of Drug Policy, 2018, 57, 4-10.   A B S T R A C T : Background : Medical cannabis policies are changing in many places around the world, and physicians play a major role in the implementation of these policies. The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of physicians’ views on medical cannabis and its possible integration into their clinic, as well as to identify potential underlying factors that influence these perceptions. Methods : Qualitative narrative analysis of in-depth interviews [...]

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