Cannabis and Mood Disorders, Aliya M. Lucatch et al., 2018

Cannabis and Mood Disorders

Aliya M. Lucatch, Alexandria S. Coles, Kevin P. Hill & Tony P. George

Current Addiction Reports, 2018 Sep, 5, 3, 336-345.

doi: 10.1007/s40429-018-0214-y. Epub 2018 May 10.

# Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018


Abstract :
Purpose of Review : The present review will provide an overview of the neurobiology, epidemiology, clinical impact, and treatment of cannabis use disorder (CUD) in mood disorders.
Recent Findings : Patients with mood disorders including major depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD) have higher rates of cannabis use, and CUD compared to the general population. Reasons for this association are not clear, nor are the putative therapeutic effects of cannabis use, or its components delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), in these illnesses. The evidence surrounding treatments for patients with this comorbidity is lacking, with more support for
psychotherapeutic treatments compared with pharmacological treatments.
Summary : Cannabis use may be associated with mood disorders, but more research is needed to increase our understanding of the mechanisms for this association, and to develop more effective treatments for this comorbidity.

Keywords : Mood disorders .Cannabis .Major depression . Bipolar disorder .Antidepressants .Mood . Stabilizers .Cannabis use disorder


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