Catégorie : Botanique

Le THCP : un nouveau cannabinoïde 33 fois plus fort que le THC,, 2019

Le THCP : un nouveau cannabinoïde 33 fois plus fort que le THC, 31 décembre 2019 Un nouveau phytocannabinoïde isolé du Cannabis sativa L avec une activité cannabimimétique 30 fois supérieure au THC a été détecté dans le cannabis Le cannabinoïde végétal Tetrahydrocannabiphorol ( THCP ) le plus puissant au monde a récemment été découvert dans une étude en Italie. Il est presque identique dans sa structure au THC mais est 33 fois plus fort que lui, ainsi que du CBDP, le dérivé correspondant du CBD. La recherche pourrait permettre de développer de futures souches de THCP beaucoup plus puissantes. Jusqu’à présent, près de 150 [...]

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THCp – Newly discovered and highly potent phytocannabinoid,, 2020

THCp – Newly discovered and highly potent phytocannabinoid Source : Publié le 1 Fév 2020 We have discovered so much about cannabis over the years, but it’s vast, intricate, pharmacological map is missing many major regions. CBD dominant varieties have exploded in demand, yet the cannabinoid is still only partially understood, and there is still CBG and CBN just around the market’s corner. Now, brand new forms of THC and CBD, THCp and CBDp, respectively, have been discovered; evidence that the map’s expanse is still beyond our grasp. Phytocannabinoids over synthetics Lately, stories of newly discovered cannabinoids are strewn with the accomplishments of a biochemist [...]

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Un nouveau phytocannabinoïde isolé du Cannabis sativa L avec une activité cannabimimétique 30 fois supérieure au THC a été détecté dans le cannabis,, 2019

Un nouveau phytocannabinoïde isolé du Cannabis sativa L avec une activité cannabimimétique 30 fois supérieure au THC a été détecté dans le cannabis Source : 31 décembre 2019 (transmis par les amis de   Le cannabinoïde végétal Tetrahydrocannabiphorol ( THCP ) le plus puissant au monde a récemment été découvert dans une étude en Italie. Il est presque identique dans sa structure au THC mais est 33 fois plus fort que lui, ainsi que du CBDP, le dérivé correspondant du CBD. La recherche pourrait permettre de développer de futures souches de THCP beaucoup plus puissantes. Jusqu’à présent, près de 150 phytocannabinoïdes ont été détectés dans la plante de cannabis, bien que [...]

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6 variétés de cannabis pleines de THCV, Aurélien BERNARD,, 30 janvier 2020

6 variétés de cannabis pleines de THCV Aurélien BERNARD, 30 janvier 2020 À mesure que les connaissances scientifiques sur le cannabis se développent, la composition chimique du cannabis et la manière dont il interagit avec le corps se dévoilent. Et si le CBD ou le THC sont largement étudiés, certains cannabinoïdes plus rares comme le THCV (tetrahydocannabivarine) intéressent de plus en plus les scientifiques. Au cours de la dernière décennie, des études sur des humains et des animaux ont identifié le potentiel du THCV pour réduire l’appétit chez les personnes qui luttent pour perdre du poids, réguler la glycémie chez les personnes atteintes [...]

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Changing landscape of cannabis : novel products, formulations, and methods of administration, Tory R Spindle et al., 2019

Changing landscape of cannabis : novel products, formulations, and methods of administration Tory R Spindle, Marcel O Bonn-Miller and Ryan Vandrey Current Opinion in Psychology, 2019, 30, 98–102 Doi : 10.1016/j.copsyc.2019.04.002   Abstract Laws regulating cannabis have changed radically in the U.S. and abroad. Historically, users smoked dried cannabis flowers that contained D9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive component of cannabis, as the principal product constituent. Coincident with cannabis legalization and increased interest in medicinal use of the plant, there is now an expansive retail cannabis marketplace with novel cannabis products, formulations, and methods of administration. In this review, we describe emergent cannabis product chemotypes (e.g. THC-dominant, [...]

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Characterising heterogeneity in the use of different cannabis products : latent class analysis with 55 000 people who use cannabis and associations with severity of cannabis dependence, Sam Craft et al., 2019

Characterising heterogeneity in the use of different cannabis products : latent class analysis with 55 000 people who use cannabis and associations with severity of cannabis dependence Sam Craft, Adam Winstock, Jason Ferris, Clare Mackie, Michael T. Lynskey and Tom P. Freeman Psychological Medicine, 2019, 1–10. doi : 10.1017/S0033291719002460   Abstract Background. As new cannabis products and administration methods proliferate, patterns of use are becoming increasingly heterogeneous. However, few studies have explored different profiles of cannabis use and their association with problematic use. Methods. Latent class analysis (LCA) was used to identify subgroups of past-year cannabis users endorsing distinct patterns of use from a large international sample [...]

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A reliable and validated LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous quantification of 4 cannabinoids in 40 consumer products, Qingfang Meng et al., 2018

A reliable and validated LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous quantification of 4 cannabinoids in 40 consumer products Qingfang Meng, Beth Buchanan, Jonathan Zuccolo, Mathieu-Marc Poulin, Joseph Gabriele, David Charles Baranowski PLoS ONE, 2018, 13, (5), e0196396.   Abstract In the past 50 years, Cannabis sativa (C. sativa) has gone from a substance essentially prohibited worldwide to one that is gaining acceptance both culturally and legally in many countries for medicinal and recreational use. As additional jurisdictions legalize Cannabis products and the variety and complexity of these products surpass the classical dried plant material, appropriate methods for measuring the biologically active constituents is paramount to ensure [...]

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Isolation of a High Affinity Cannabinoid for Human CB1 Receptor from a Medicinal Cannabis Variety: Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabutol, the Butyl Homologue of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, Pasquale Linciano et al., 2019

Isolation of a High Affinity Cannabinoid for Human CB1 Receptor from a Medicinal Cannabis Variety: Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabutol, the Butyl Homologue of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Pasquale Linciano, Cinzia Citti, Livio Luongo, Carmela Belardo, Sabatino Maione, Maria Angela Vandelli, Flavio Forni, Giuseppe Gigli, Aldo Laganà, Carmela Maria Montone, Giuseppe Cannazza Journal of Natural Products, 2019 Dec 31. doi: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b00876.   Abstract The butyl homologues of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabutol (Δ9-THCB), and cannabidiol, cannabidibutol (CBDB), were isolated from a medicinal Cannabis sativa variety (FM2) inflorescence. Appropriate spectroscopic and spectrometric characterization, including NMR, UV, IR, ECD, and HRMS, was carried out on both cannabinoids. The chemical structures and absolute configurations of the isolated cannabinoids were [...]

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Cannabis Systematics at the Levels of Family, Genus, and Species, John M. McPartland, 2018

Cannabis Systematics at the Levels of Family, Genus, and Species John M. McPartland Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2018, Volume 3.1, 203- Doi : 10.1089/can.2018.0039   Abstract New concepts are reviewed in Cannabis systematics, including phylogenetics and nomenclature. The family Cannabaceae now includes Cannabis, Humulus, and eight genera formerly in the Celtidaceae. Grouping Cannabis, Humulus, and Celtis actually goes back 250 years. Print fossil of the extinct genus Dorofeevia (=Humularia) reveals that Cannabis lost a sibling perhaps 20 million years ago (mya). Cannabis print fossils are rare (n = 3 worldwide), making it difficult to determine when and where she evolved. A molecular clock analysis with chloroplast [...]

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Myorelaxant Effect of Transdermal Cannabidiol Application in Patients with TMD : A Randomized, Double-Blind Trial, Aleksandra Nitecka-Buchta et al., 2019

Myorelaxant Effect of Transdermal Cannabidiol Application in Patients with TMD : A Randomized, Double-Blind Trial Aleksandra Nitecka-Buchta, Anna Nowak-Wachol, KacperWachol, KarolinaWalczynska-Dragon, Paweł Olczyk, Olgierd Batoryna, Wojciech Kempa and Stefan Baron Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2019, 8, 188, 1-17. doi : 10.3390/jcm8111886 Abstract Background : The healing properties of cannabidiol (CBD) have been known for centuries. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the myorelaxant effect of CBD after the transdermal application in patients with myofascial pain. Methods : The Polish version of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD Ia and Ib) was used. A total of 60 patients were enrolled [...]

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