Catégorie : Publications récentes

Pétition : Automobilistes en colère, CIRC – Lyon, Janvier 2020

To: "" <> Subject: PÉTITION AUTOMOBILISTES EN COLÈRE Bonjour, Nous vous informons que le CIRC Lyon a lancé une pétition pour dénoncer l'abus des pouvoirs publics qui utilisent l'alibi de la sécurité routière pour faire la chasse aux usagers de cannabis et donc incriminer un grand nombre d'automobilistes, alors que le délit n'est pas toujours constitué. Nous vous invitons à la découvrir sur : Nous vous invitons également à la signer et à la partager le plus possible autour de vous. La pétition est accessible en ligne sur le site du CIRC Lyon : Pétition tests salivaires PÉTITION AUTOMOBILISTES EN COLÈRE !!! La loi sur l’usage [...]

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The evolutionary neuroanthropology of consciousness : exploring the diversity of conscious states across cultures. An interview with Michael Winkelman, Michael Winkelman & Martin E. Fortier, 2019

The evolutionary neuroanthropology of consciousness : exploring the diversity of conscious states across cultures. An interview with Michael Winkelman. Michael Winkelman & Martin E. Fortier ALIUS Bulletin, 2019, 3, 45-97. doi : 10.34700/krg3-zk35   Abstract In this interview, Michael Winkelman and Martin Fortier discuss the extent to which consciousness is grounded in deep evolutionary mechanisms and can be enculturated. First, the main tenets of two neuroanthropological approaches to consciousness and culture are outlined. Next, the upsides and downsides of evolutionary psychology are examined; the fruitfulness of this approach in the study of cultural phenomena such as shamanism is debated. The authors then discuss the promises of [...]

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Sense of reality, metacognition and culture in schizophrenic and drug-induced hallucinations, Martin Fortier, 2018

Sense of reality, metacognition and culture in schizophrenic and drug-induced hallucinations :  An interdisciplinary approach Martin Fortier In J. Proust & M. Fortier (Eds.) : "Metacognitive Diversity : An Interdisciplinary Approach", 2018. Oxford/New York, Oxford University Press.   Abstract Hallucinations possess two main components : (i) a sensory content; and (ii) a sense that the sensory content is real. Influential models of schizophrenic hallucination claim that both the sensory content and the sense of reality can be explained in terms of metacognitive dysfunction. This chapter assesses whether such a claim holds for schizophrenic and drug-induced hallucinations; it further attempts to determine the actual role of metacognition [...]

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Que (Devrait-on) Savoir sur la Pharmacologie du Cannabidiol ?, Addictovigilance, 2020

Que (Devrait-on) Savoir sur la Pharmacologie du Cannabidiol ? Article rédigé par les Centres d’Addictovigilance de Grenoble, Marseille, Paris Addictovigilance, Bulletin de l’Association des Centres d’Addictovigilance, 2020, 13. Messages clefs Les phyto-cannabinoïdes et les cannabinoïdes de synthèse ont des effets très variés,utiles à caractériser d’un point devue pharmacologique pour mieux préciser les effets de chacun et leurs éventuelles interactions chez l’Homme, a fortiori dans un contexte de large diffusion. Le cannabidiol (CBD) est l’un des principaux phyto-cannabinoïdes présent dans Cannabis sativa, avec le tétrahydrocannabinol (THC). Le CBD a une action pléiotropique notamment sur les récepteurs à la sérotonine, à la dopamine et pas ou très peu [...]

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Cadre de l’expérimentation du cannabis à usage médical, ANSM, 2019

Cadre de l’expérimentation du cannabis à usage médical L’expérimention du cannabis à usage médical sera lancée au deuxième semestre 2020. L’objectif principal de cette phase expérimentale est d’évaluer en situation réeller le circuit de prescription et délivrance ainsi que l’adhésion des professionnels de santé et des patients à ces conditions. Son objectif secondaire est de recueillir des premières données françaises d’efficacité et de sécurité. Les éléments les plus importants de ce cadre visent à sécuriser au mieux la prescription et le suivi des patients : Sécurisation de la prescription  : le traitement ne pourra être initié que par des médecins qui exercent dans [...]

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Cannabis for Sleep: Short-Term Benefit, Long-Term Disruption ?, Michael Vlessides, 2020

Cannabis for Sleep: Short-Term Benefit, Long-Term Disruption ? Michael Vlessides Medscape, January 24, 2020   Patients suffering from chronic pain who take medicinal cannabis to initiate and maintain sleep appear to experience short-term benefit, but long-term use may ultimately disrupt slumber, new research shows. Investigators found whole-plant medical cannabis use was associated with fewer problems with respect to waking up at night, but they also found that frequent medical cannabis use was associated with more problems initiating and maintaining sleep. "Cannabis may improve overall sleep in the short term," study investigator Sharon Sznitman, PhD, University of Haifa Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences in Israel, [...]

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Risk of Persistence and Progression of Use of 5 Cannabis Products After Experimentation Among Adolescents, Jessica L. Barrington-Trimis, 2020

Risk of Persistence and Progression of Use of 5 Cannabis Products After Experimentation Among Adolescents Jessica L. Barrington-Trimis, PhD; Junhan Cho, PhD; Esthelle Ewusi-Boisvert, BA; Deborah Hasin, PhD; Jennifer B. Unger, PhD; Richard A. Miech, PhD; Adam M. Leventhal, PhD JAMA Network Open, 2020, 3, (1), e1919792. doi : 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.19792   Abstract IMPORTANCE : While a diverse array of cannabis products that may appeal to youth is currently available, it is unknown whether the risk of persistent cannabis use and progression to higher frequency of use after experimentation differs among cannabis products. OBJECTIVE : To estimate the comparative relative risk of experimental use of 5 cannabis products [...]

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A dangerous method ? Psychedelic therapy at Modum Bad, Norway, 1961–76, Petter Grahl Johnstad, 2020

A dangerous method ? Psychedelic therapy at Modum Bad, Norway, 1961–76 Petter Grahl Johnstad History of Psychiatry, 2020, 1–10 Doi : 10.1177/0957154X19894537   Abstract After many years of disregard, the use of psychedelic drugs in psychiatric treatment has re-emerged in recent years. The prospect that psychedelics may again be integrated into mainstream psychiatry has aroused interest in long-forgotten research and experience from the previous phase of psychedelic therapy, which lasted from the late 1940s to the 1970s. This article will discuss one large-scale psychedelic therapy programme at Modum Bad Nervesanatorium, a psychiatric clinic which treated 379 inpatients with psychedelic drugs during the years 1961–76. The psychiatrists [...]

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“Go Ask Alice”: The Case for Researching Schedule I Drugs, Kenneth V. ISERSON , 2019

“Go Ask Alice”: The Case for Researching Schedule I Drugs Kenneth V. ISERSON Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 2019, 28, 168–177. © Cambridge University Press 2018. doi : 10.1017/S0963180118000518   Abstract : The available treatments for disorders affecting large segments of the population are often costly, complex, and only marginally effective, and many have numerous side effects. These disorders include dementias, debilitating neurological disorders, the multiple types of drug addiction, and the spectrum of mental health disorders. Preliminary studies have shown that a variety of psychedelic and similar U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Schedule I drugs may offer better treatment options than those that currently exist and pose potentially [...]

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Exploring ayahuasca-assisted therapy for addiction: A qualitative analysis of preliminary findings among an Indigenous community in Canada, Elena ARGENTO et al., 2019

Exploring ayahuasca-assisted therapy for addiction: A qualitative analysis of preliminary findings among an Indigenous community in Canada Elena ARGENTO, Rielle CAPLER, Gerald THOMAS, Philippe LUCAS & Kenneth W. TUPPER Drug and Alcohol Review, 2019 Doi : 10.1111/dar.12985   Abstract Introduction and Aims. A previous observational study of ayahuasca-assisted therapy demonstrated statistically significant reductions in self-reported problematic cocaine use among members of an Indigenous community in Canada. This paper aims to qualitatively explore the impact of ayahuasca assisted therapy on addiction and other substance use-related outcomes and elucidate the lived experiences of participants. Design and Methods. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 11 adult Indigenous participants of the ayahuasca-assisted [...]

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