Étiquette : thérapeutiques psychédeliques

The antiaddictive effects of ibogaine: A systematic literature review of human studies, Rafael G. DOS SANTOS et al., 2017

The antiaddictive effects of ibogaine : A systematic literature review of human studies Rafael G. DOS SANTOS, José Carlos BOUSO and Jaime E. C. HALLAK Journal of Psychedelic Studies, 2017, 1, (1), pp. 20–28 DOI: 10.1556/2054.01.2016.001   Background and aims : Ibogaine is a naturally occurring hallucinogenic alkaloid with a therapeutic potential for reducing drug craving and withdrawal. To the best of our knowledge, no systematic review was previously performed assessing these effects. Thus, we conducted a systematic literature review of human studies assessing the antiaddictive effects of ibogaine. Methods : Papers published up to July 2, 2016 were included from PubMed, LILACS, and SciELO databases [...]

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Detoxification from methadone using low, repeated, and increasing doses of ibogaine : A case report, Clare WILKINS et al., 2017

Detoxification from methadone using low, repeated, and increasing doses of ibogaine : A case report CLARE WILKINS, RAFAEL G. DOS SANTOS, JORDI SOLÁ, MARC AIXALÁ, PEP CURA, ESTEFANÍA MORENO, MIGUEL ÁNGEL ALCÁZAR-CÓRCOLES, JAIME E. C. HALLAK and JOSÉ CARLOS BOUSO Journal of Psychedelic Studies,  2017, 1, (1), pp. 29–34 DOI: 10.1556/2054.01.2017.005   Background and aims : Ibogaine is a natural alkaloid that has been used in the last decades as an adjuvant for the treatment of opiate withdrawal. Despite the beneficial results suggested by animal studies and case series, there is a lack of clinical trials to assess the safety and efficacy of ibogaine. Moreover, [...]

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Anxiety, panic, and hopelessness during and after ritual ayahuasca intake in a woman with generalized anxiety disorder : A case report, Rafael G. Dos Santos et al., 2017

Anxiety, panic, and hopelessness during and after ritual ayahuasca intake in a woman with generalized anxiety disorder : A case report Rafael G. DOS SANTOS, Flavia L. OSÓRIO, José Alexandre S. CRIPPA and Jaime E. C. HALLAK Journal of Psychedelic Studies, 2017,  1, (1), pp. 35–39 DOI: 10.1556/2054.01.2017.004   Background and aims : Ayahuasca is a dimethyltryptamine- and β-carboline-rich hallucinogenic beverage traditionally used by indigenous groups of Northwest Amazonian for ritual and therapeutic purposes. Animal and human studies suggest that ayahuasca has antidepressant and anxiolytic potentials and has a good safety profile. However, anxiety-like reactions may also occur after ayahuasca intake, although they are rare. Methods [...]

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Subjective effectiveness of ibogaine treatment for problematic opioid consumption : Short- and long-term outcomes and current psychological functioning, Alan K. Davis et al., 2017

Subjective effectiveness of ibogaine treatment for problematic opioid consumption: Short- and long-term outcomes and current psychological functioning ALAN K. DAVIS, JOSEPH P. BARSUGLIA, MARLEY WINDHAM-HERMAN, MARTA LYNCH and MARTIN POLANCO Journal of Psychedelic Studies, 2017, 1, (2), pp. 65–73 DOI: 10.1556/2054.01.2017.009   Background and aims : Very few studies have reported the effectiveness of ibogaine as a treatment for chronic opioid use. Therefore, this study evaluated the acute subjective effects of ibogaine, outcomes on problematic opioid consumption, and the long-term associations with psychological functioning. Methods : Using online data collection, 88 patients who received ibogaine treatment in Mexico between 2012 and 2015 completed our survey. Results : [...]

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An exploratory study of experiences with conventional eating disorder treatment and ceremonial ayahuasca for the healing of eating disorders, Marika Renelli et al., 2018

An exploratory study of experiences with conventional eating disorder treatment and ceremonial ayahuasca for the healing of eating disorders Marika Renelli, Jenna Fletcher, Kenneth W. Tupper, Natasha Files, Anya Loizaga‑Velder,  Adele Lafrance Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 2018 https://doi.org/10.1007/s40519-018-0619-6   Abstract Purpose : Ayahuasca is a traditional Amazonian medicine that is currently being researched for its potential in treating a variety of mental disorders. This article reports on exploratory qualitative research relating to participant experiences with ceremonial ayahuasca drinking and conventional treatment for eating disorders (EDs). It also explores the potential for ayahuasca as an adjunctive ED treatment. Methods : Thirteen [...]

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Antidepressant effects of a single dose of ayahuasca in patients with recurrent depression: a preliminary report, Flavia de L. Osorio et al., 2015

Antidepressant effects of a single dose of ayahuasca in patients with recurrent depression: a preliminary report Flavia de L. Osorio, Rafael F. Sanches, Ligia R. Macedo, Rafael G. dos Santos, Joao P. Maia-de-Oliveira, Lauro Wichert-Ana, Draulio B. de Araujo, Jordi Riba, Jose´ A. Crippa, Jaime E. Hallak Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, 2015, 37, 13–20 doi:10.1590/1516-4446-2014-1496   Objectives : Ayahuasca (AYA), a natural psychedelic brew prepared from Amazonian plants and rich in dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and harmine, causes effects of subjective well-being and may therefore have antidepressant actions. This study sought to evaluate the effects of a single dose of AYA in six volunteers with a current depressive episode. Methods : [...]

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Effects of Schedule I drug laws on neuroscience research and treatment innovation, Nutt D.J. et al., 2013

Effects of Schedule I drug laws on neuroscience research and treatment innovation. Nutt D.J., King L.A., Nichols D.E. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2013, 14, 577-585 DOI : 10.1038/nrn3530   Abstract Many psychoactive drugs are used recreationally, particularly by young people. This use and its perceived dangers have led to many different classes of drugs being banned under national laws and international conventions. Indeed, the possession of cannabis, 3,4‑methylenedioxy- N‑methyl-amphetamine (MDMA; also known as ecstasy) and psychedelics is stringently regulated. An important and unfortunate outcome of the controls placed on these and other psychoactive drugs is that they make research into their mechanisms of action and potential therapeutic [...]

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Psychedelic drugs in the treatment of anxiety, depression and addiction, Tor-Morten Kvam et al., 2018

Psychedelic drugs in the treatment of anxiety, depression and addiction Tor-Morten Kvam, Lowan H. Stewart & Ole A. Andreassen Tidsskriftet, Den Norske Legeforening, November 2018 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332136512   B A C K G R O U N D There is growing interest in the use of psychedelic drugs for the treatment of mental disorders. The drugs are considered safe when administered within a clinical framework. Older studies performed prior to 1970 had methodological shortcomings, but studies in recent years have shown promising results regarding the use of psychedelic drugs in unipolar depression, depression in life-threatening illness, anxiety and addiction. The aim of this literature review is to [...]

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Mechanisms of Therapeutic Action of Psilocybin Cubensis in Treating Patients with Depression, Stephan Tap, 2018

Mechanisms of Therapeutic Action of Psilocybin Cubensis in Treating Patients with Depression Stephan Tap, Universiteit Leiden, Sociale Wetenschappen, 2018   Introduction Depression is a serious mental illness affecting over 300 to 350 million people worldwide (WHO, 2018; Cipriani et al., 2018). People suffering from depression experience a wide variety of symptoms, including a depressed mood, loss of interest, and reduced energy. There are many different therapeutic approaches to treat depression, of which cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and the use of antidepressants (e.g. SSRI’s) are probably the most prominent. Both seem to be efficacious in alleviating the symptoms of depression (Butler et al., 2006; Driessen & [...]

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Intérêt de la psilocybine, de l’acide lysergique diéthylamide (LSD) et de la diméthyltryptamine (DMT) dans la dépression : une revue de la littérature, Sami Sergent, 2019

Intérêt de la psilocybine, de l’acide lysergique diéthylamide (LSD) et de la diméthyltryptamine (DMT) dans la dépression : une revue de la littérature THÈSE MÉDECINE SPÉCIALISÉE CLINIQUE en Psychiatrie Présentée et soutenue publiquement par Sami SERGENT le 22 février 2019 ANNÉE 2019 (2019 TOU3 1503) Directeur de thèse : Dr François MONTASTRUC JURY Monsieur le Professeur Christophe ARBUS Président Monsieur le Professeur Laurent SCHMITT Assesseur Monsieur le Professeur Nicolas FRANCHITTO Assesseur Monsieur le Docteur François MONTASTRUC Assesseur Madame le Docteur Bénédicte JULLIAN Suppléant Monsieur le Docteur Nicolas NAVARRO membre invité   RESUME EN FRANÇAIS : La psilocybine, l’acide lysergique diéthylamide et la diméthyltryptamine sont des psychédéliques agonistes sérotoninergiques. Les sociétés humaines en font usages depuis [...]

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