Étiquette : recherche

Cannabis for Sleep: Short-Term Benefit, Long-Term Disruption ?, Michael Vlessides, 2020

Cannabis for Sleep: Short-Term Benefit, Long-Term Disruption ? Michael Vlessides Medscape, January 24, 2020 https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/924202_print   Patients suffering from chronic pain who take medicinal cannabis to initiate and maintain sleep appear to experience short-term benefit, but long-term use may ultimately disrupt slumber, new research shows. Investigators found whole-plant medical cannabis use was associated with fewer problems with respect to waking up at night, but they also found that frequent medical cannabis use was associated with more problems initiating and maintaining sleep. "Cannabis may improve overall sleep in the short term," study investigator Sharon Sznitman, PhD, University of Haifa Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences in Israel, [...]

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“Go Ask Alice”: The Case for Researching Schedule I Drugs, Kenneth V. ISERSON , 2019

“Go Ask Alice”: The Case for Researching Schedule I Drugs Kenneth V. ISERSON Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 2019, 28, 168–177. © Cambridge University Press 2018. doi : 10.1017/S0963180118000518   Abstract : The available treatments for disorders affecting large segments of the population are often costly, complex, and only marginally effective, and many have numerous side effects. These disorders include dementias, debilitating neurological disorders, the multiple types of drug addiction, and the spectrum of mental health disorders. Preliminary studies have shown that a variety of psychedelic and similar U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Schedule I drugs may offer better treatment options than those that currently exist and pose potentially [...]

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Association Between Recreational Cannabis Use and Cardiac Structure and Function, Mohammed Y. Khanji et al., 2019

Association Between Recreational Cannabis Use and Cardiac Structure and Function Mohammed Y. Khanji, Magnus T. Jensen, Asmaa A. Kenawy, Zahra Raisi-Estabragh, Jose M. Paiva, Nay Aung, Kenneth Fung, Elena Lukaschuk, Filip Zemrak, Aaron M. Lee, Ahmet Barutcu, Edd Maclean, Jackie Cooper, Stefan K. Piechnik, Stefan Neubauer and Steffen E. Petersen JACC : Cardiovascular Imaging, 2019. Doi : 10.1016/j.jcmg.2019.10.012   LETTER TO THE EDITOR Cannabis is one of the most widely produced and consumed recreational drugs in the world, with over 192 million global users (1). The World Health Organization has warned against the potential harmful health effects of nonmedicinal cannabis use and highlighted the need for more [...]

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Beta-Caryophyllene, a CB2-Receptor-Selective Phytocannabinoid, Suppresses Mechanical Allodynia in a Mouse Model of Antiretroviral-Induced Neuropathic Pain, Esraa Aly et al.,

Beta-Caryophyllene, a CB2-Receptor-Selective Phytocannabinoid, Suppresses Mechanical Allodynia in a Mouse Model of Antiretroviral-Induced Neuropathic Pain Esraa Aly, Maitham A. Khajah and Willias Masocha Molecules, 2020, 25, 106; doi:10.3390/molecules25010106   Abstract : Neuropathic pain associated with nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), therapeutic agents for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), responds poorly to available drugs. Smoked cannabis was reported to relieve HIV-associated neuropathic pain in clinical trials. Some constituents of cannabis (Cannabis sativa) activate cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) and cannabinoid type 2 (CB2) receptors. However, activation of the CB1 receptor is associated with side eects such as psychosis and physical dependence. Therefore, we investigated the effect of B-caryophyllene (BCP), [...]

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Prolonged Cannabidiol Treatment Lacks on Detrimental Effects on Memory, Motor Performance and Anxiety in C57BL/6J Mice, Eva M. Schleicher et al., 2019

Prolonged Cannabidiol Treatment Lacks on Detrimental Effects on Memory, Motor Performance and Anxiety in C57BL/6J Mice Eva M. Schleicher, Frederik W. Ott, Melanie Müller, Barbara Silcher, Marius E. Sichler, Maximilian J. Löw, Jannek M. Wagner and Yvonne Bouter Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2019, Volume 13, Article 94 doi : 10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00094   The Cannabis plant contains more than 100 currently known phytocannabinoids. Regarding the rising consumption of the non-psychotropic phytocannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) in people’s everyday life (e.g., beauty products, food and beverages), the importance of studies on the influence of CBD on healthy humans and rodents is evident. Therefore, the behavioral profile of CBD was investigated with [...]

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A behavioural comparison of acute and chronic D9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol in C57BL/6JArc mice, Leonora E. Long et al., 2010

A behavioural comparison of acute and chronic D9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol in C57BL/6JArc mice Leonora E. Long, Rose Chesworth, Xu-Feng Huang, Iain S. McGregor, Jonathon C. Arnold and Tim Karl International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2010, 13, 861–876. doi : 10.1017/S1461145709990605   Abstract Cannabis contains over 70 unique compounds and its abuse is linked to an increased risk of developing schizophrenia. The behavioural profiles of the psychotropic cannabis constituent D9 tetrahydro-cannabinol (D9-THC) and the non-psychotomimetic constituent cannabidiol (CBD) were investigated with a battery of behavioural tests relevant to anxiety and positive, negative and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. Male adult C57BL/6JArc mice were given 21 daily intraperitoneal injections of vehicle, [...]

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Études psychédéliques, séminaire, Vincent Verroust, doctorant à l’EHESS, 2019-2020

Études psychédéliques Vincent Verroust, doctorant à l'EHESS ( CAK )Cet enseignant est référent pour cette UE https://enseignements-2019.ehess.fr/2019/ue/2998/   Mardi de 18 h à 19 h 30 (amphithéâtre Rouelle, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 57 rue Cuvier 75005 Paris), les 26 novembre, 17 décembre 2019, 28 janvier, 25 février, 31 mars, 28 avril, 26 mai et 30 juin 2020 Plan pour trouver l'amphi : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h-oVy6oTh7UTMh84X-o448VhCCmBMp-M/view?usp=sharing NB : merci d'arriver en avance pour éviter de trouver portes closes. Le terme psychedelic a été forgé en 1956 par le psychiatre britannique Humphry Osmond (1917 - 2004) pour qualifier les effets psychiques de la mescaline et du LSD, deux substances psychotropes sur lesquelles [...]

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Australia should be initiating a psychedelic research program : What are the barriers ?, Nigel Strauss et al., 2016

Australia should be initiating a psychedelic research program : What are the barriers ? Nigel Strauss, Stephen J Bright and Martin L Williams Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 2016, Vol. 50, (11), 1036–1037 DOI: 10.1177/0004867416670520   A recent review in Pharmacological Reviews highlights that over the last decade, a renaissance has occurred in psychedelic drug research in North America and Europe as investigators at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), New York University and Imperial College London have embarked on studies that could be paradigm-changing for psychiatry (Nichols, 2016). These developments overturn a 30-year embargo on psychedelic research [...]

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Soigner l’alcoolisme et la dépression avec des psychédéliques ? Entretien avec David Nutt, video, 2019

Soigner l'alcoolisme et la dépression avec des psychédéliques? Entretien avec David Nutt #RTSsanté , 11 avril 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=55&v=D8QNY2bdNCk&feature=emb_logo Vidéo en complément du reportage « Le retour des psychédéliques » : https://youtu.be/503cSLA0Z38   Parmi les très nombreux articles cosignés par le Professeur David J. NUTT, du Psychedelic Research Group, Department of Medicine, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, les références suivantes sont disponibles sur le site du GRECC :   Dissociable effects of cannabis with and without cannabidiol on the human brain’s resting-state functional connectivity, Matthew B. Wall, Rebecca Pope, Tom P. Freeman, Oliwia S. Kowalczyk, Lysia Demetriou, Claire Mokrysz, Chandni Hindocha, Will Lawn, Michael A.P. Bloomfield, Abigail M. [...]

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CBD Isolates Vs. Full-Spectrum CBD, Martin A. LEE, projectCBD.org, 2015

CBD Isolates Vs. Full-Spectrum CBD Martin A. Lee On February 22, 2015 https://www.projectcbd.org/science/cbd-isolates-vs-full-spectrum-cbd A groundbreaking study has documented the superior therapeutic properties of whole plant CBD-rich cannabis extract as compared to single-molecule CBD.   A groundbreaking study from Israel has documented the superior therapeutic properties of whole plant CBD-rich cannabis extract as compared to single-molecule cannabidiol (CBD). Published in the journal Pharmacology & Pharmacy (Feb. 2015), the article directly challenges one of the sacred cows of Big Pharma and the medical-industrial complex—the notion that “crude” botanical preparations are inherently low grade and less effective than pure, single-molecule compounds. Entitled “Overcoming the Bell-Shaped Dose-Response of Cannabidiol by Using Cannabis [...]

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