Étiquette : expérience mystique

Ayahuasca : l’importance du cadre et de l’intention lors de prise de psychédéliques, Jean-Charles Bernard, 2016

Ayahuasca : l’importance du cadre et de l’intention lors de prise de psychédéliques Jean-Charles Bernard Psychotropes, 2016, 2, Vol. 22, pages 81 à 100 ISSN 1245-2092, ISBN 9782807390485 Résumé : La boisson amazonienne ayahuasca génère de profonds états modifiés de conscience et s’ingère “traditionnellement” lors de rituels dans un but précis : apprentissage, guérison, divination… Le sens de l’expérience est consubstantiel au rituel dans la culture chamanique où l’accès au “monde-autre” appartient au champ des possibles. La globalisation de cette boisson a vu naître de nouveaux usages, tout d’abord dans les religions de l’ayahuasca au Brésil et dans les centres néo-psychothérapiques en Amérique du [...]

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Psychedelics and potential benefits in “healthy normals”: A review of the literature, Sam GANDY, 2019

Psychedelics and potential benefits in “healthy normals”: A review of the literature Sam GANDY Journal of Psychedelic Studies, 2019, 3, (3), 280–287. Doi : 10.1556/2054.2019.029   We are in the midst of a psychedelic research renaissance. With research examining the efficacy of psychedelics as a treatment for a range of mental health indications still in its early stages, there is an increasing body of research to show that careful use of psychedelics can yield a variety of benefits in “healthy normals” and so lead to “the betterment of well people.” Psychedelics have been found to modulate neuroplasticity, and usage in a supportive setting can result [...]

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A phenomenology of subjectively relevant experiences induced by ayahuasca in Upper Amazon vegetalismo tourism, Tom John Wolff et al., 2018

A phenomenology of subjectively relevant experiences induced by ayahuasca in Upper Amazon vegetalismo tourism Tom John Wolff, Simon Ruffell, Nigel Netzband and Torsten Passie Journal of Psychedelic Studies, 2018 Doi : 10.1556/2054.2019.007   Aims : This heuristic study reports observations on the phenomenology of ayahuasca experiences of nine foreign tourist participants of an ayahuasca retreat in Peru. Methods : Narrative interviews, reflecting individual experiences after ayahuasca “night ceremony,” have been analyzed by qualitative content analysis using a data-driven strategy in order to extract themes and categories inherent in the interviews. Previously, a demographic questionnaire was given. The dose–response connection was uncontrolled, which is typical for this [...]

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A Comparative Review of the Neuro- Psychopharmacology of Hallucinogen-Induced Altered States of Consciousness : The Uniqueness of Some Hallucinogens, Ümit Sayin, 2012

A Comparative Review of the Neuro- Psychopharmacology of Hallucinogen-Induced Altered States of Consciousness : The Uniqueness of Some Hallucinogens Ümit Sayin NeuroQuantology, June 2012, Volume 10, Issue 2,  316-340. eISSN 1303-5150   ABSTRACT Altered states of consciousness induced by hallucinogens (H-ASC) is still a vaguely understood phenomenon. Taken the diverse psychological effects they exert, the main mechanism of action of hallucinogens; LSD, ibogaine, THC, PCP, MDMA, methamphetamine, mescaline, psilocybin and DMT, of which psychological effects are discussed in the article, are not properly understood and explained by the modern methods of neuroscience due to the lack of vigorous research. The involvement of some receptors, such as, [...]

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The Religious Significance of Entheogenic Drugs, Hugh Asher,

The Religious Significance of Entheogenic Drugs Hugh Asher More Info: This is my unpublished Master's Dissertation.   Abstract This paper examines the use of psychoactive substances such as Psilocybin, Mescaline, and LSD as adjuncts to mystical, religious or spiritual experiences. There is an analysis of the psychological changes and the changes in perception that these substances cause and how these can be interpreted as contributing to religious or spiritual enlightenment. There is also a discussion on the nature of what could be considered a religious experience. An overview of the use of such ‘entheogenic’ drugs from an historical perspective follows, looking specifically at the use of [...]

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Psychological Explorations of the Magic Mushroom (Psilocybin) Experience, Part I : Subjective Effects and Time Passage Perception, José Arturo Costa Escobar & Antonio Roazzi, 2011

Psychological Explorations of the Magic Mushroom (Psilocybin) Experience, Part I : Subjective Effects and Time Passage Perception José Arturo Costa Escobar, M.S., Antonio Roazzi, Ph.D. Neurobiologia, 2011, 74, (3-4), 81-97.   ABSTRACT Magic mushrooms are rich in the active compound psilocybin, whose activity on consciousness deeply alters cognitive functions, can promote spiritual/mystical experiences and has high biomedical and psychotherapeutic importance. Twenty-eight participants underwent a magic mushroom experience after consuming dehydrated Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms at the dosage of 55.6 mg/Kg (350 μg/kg of psilocybin). Results of subjective aspects of the experience through the Hallucinogen Rating Scale revealed equivalent dosage effects comparable to other studies and similar [...]

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Psychedelics in History and World Religions, Editorial, Michael J. Winkelman, 2019

Psychedelics in History and World Religions,  Editorial Michael James Winkelman Journal of Psychedelic Studies, 2019, 3, (2), pp. 41–42 Doi : 10.1556/2054.2019.021   Recent research has given new hope that psychedelics might provide important tools for treating some of our more intractable ailments. Assessment of the therapeutic applications of psychedelics for various conditions (Winkelman & Sessa, 2019) offers tantalizing promises of what may be seen as miracle cures for their immediate results and effectiveness. As new technologies expand our understandings of the effects of these substances, we are entering a new epoch of understanding the systemic effects of psychedelics on the brain. These findings regarding the [...]

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Therapeutic Applications of Ayahuasca and Other Sacred Medicines, Michael J. Winkelman, 2014

Therapeutic Applications of Ayahuasca and Other Sacred Medicines Michael J. Winkelman chapter 1, in B. Caiuby Labate and C. Cavnar (eds.) : "The Therapeutic Use of Ayahuasca", Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 Doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-40426-9_1   Abstract : Therapeutic applications of the psychedelics or hallucinogens found cross-culturally involve treatment of a variety of physical, psychological, and social maladies. Modern medicine has similarly found that a range of conditions may be successfully treated with these agents. The ability to treat a wide variety of conditions derives from variation in active ingredients, doses and modes of application, and factors of set and setting manipulated in ritual. Similarities in effects reported [...]

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Therapeutic Bases of Psychedelic Medicines : Psychointegrative Effects, Michael J. Winkelman, 2007,

Therapeutic Bases of Psychedelic Medicines : Psycho-integrative Effects Michael J. WINKELMAN chapter 1, in "PSYCHEDELIC MEDICINE: SOCIAL, CLINICAL, AND LEGAL PERSPECTIVES" january 2007, pp 1-19.   INTRODUCTION For thousands of years, human beings have used medicinal plants to enhance their health and well-being. In cultures around the world, plants commonly referred to as psychedelic, hallucinogens, and entheogens have played central roles in their healing practices. These vision-inducing plants have also played important roles in the religious and spiritual practices of many societies, evoking powerful emotional, cognitive, and therapeutic reactions. These plants that were central to concepts of health, spirituality, and well-being were, however, demonized and rejected [...]

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Henri Michaux et les gouffres (à propos de l’expérience mescalinienne), François Emmanuel, 2007

Henri Michaux et les gouffres (à propos de l’expérience mescalinienne) François Emmanuel   « Moi n’est jamais que provisoire » (Plume). « J’écris pour me parcourir… » annonçait Henri Michaux. À l’hiver 1954 (il a cinquante-cinq ans) il a amplement parcouru le monde, descendu en pirogue un affluent de l’Amazone, promené son étrangeté en Inde, en Chine, en Malaisie…, ramené de ces pays lointains des notations buissonnières, éparses, décalées, des fables drolatiques. Çà et là il s’est fait entomologiste fantasque ou zoologiste d’animaux fantastiques. Toujours curieux de l’ailleurs mais toujours un peu déçu, il a délaissé ces contrées réelles pour d’autres imaginaires, s’est lancé [...]

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