Epidiolex Plus THC May Lower Seizures in Pediatric Epilepsy Randy Dotinga Medscape.com - Oct 14, 2021. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/960842 Children and young adults with epilepsy had fewer seizures after combination treatment with the drug Epidiolex, which contains the cannabidiol (CBD), and various doses of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the component of cannabis that makes people high in larger quantities, researchers reported. "THC can contribute to seizure control and mitigation some of the side effects of CBD," said study coauthor and Austin, Tex., child neurologist Karen Keough, MD, in an interview. Keough and colleagues presented their findings at the 50th annual meeting of the Child Neurology Society. In a landmark move, the Food and [...]
Lire la suiteCannabinoïdes synthétiques https://www.psychoactif.org/psychowiki/index.php?title=Cannabino%C3%AFdes_synth%C3%A9tiques Les cannabinoïdes synthétiques sont des molécules de synthèse qui agissent d'une façon proche de celle des cannabinoïdes végétaux, naturellement présents dans le cannabis (comme le THC)[1]. Ce sont principalement des agonistes des récepteurs cannabinoïdes. La plupart ont été développés à des fins thérapeutiques (analgésie), d’autres ont été synthétisés dans le but de créer des alternatives légales au cannabis. Les cannabinoïdes synthètiques sont la classe la plus importante des nouveaux produits de synthèse. Sur les 73 nouvelles substances de synthèses reportées par le EMCDDA en 2012, 30 étaient des cannabinoïdes de synthèse. De 2008 à mai 2013, 84 cannabinoïdes de synthèse ont [...]
Lire la suitePharmacokinetics and subjective effects of a novel oral LSD formulation in healthy subjects Friederike Holze, Urs Duthaler, Patrick Vizeli, Felix Müller, Stefan Borgwardt, Matthias E. Liechti British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, March 2019 Doi : 10.1111/bcp.13918 Aims : The aim of the present study was to characterize the pharmacokinetics and exposure–subjective response relationship of a novel oral solution of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) that was developed for clinical use in research and patients. Method : LSD (100 μg) was administered in 27 healthy subjects using a placebocontrolled, double‐blind, cross‐over design. Plasma levels of LSD, nor‐LSD, and 2‐ oxo‐3‐hydroxy‐LSD (O‐H‐LSD) and subjective drug effects were assessed [...]
Lire la suiteEffect of D-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol on Nocturnal Sleep and Early-Morning Behavior in Young Adults Anthony N. Nicholson, MD, PhD, Claire Turner, BSc, Barbara M. Stone, PhD, and Philip J. Robson, MDy Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2004, Volume 24, Number 3, 305-313. Doi : 10.1097/01.jcp.0000125688.05091.8f Abstract : The effects of cannabis extracts on nocturnal sleep, earlymorning performance, memory, and sleepiness were studied in 8 healthy volunteers (4 males, 4 females; 21 to 34 years). The study was double-blind and placebo-controlled with a 4-way crossover design. The 4 treatments were placebo, 15 mg D-9-tetrahydro-cannabinol (THC), 5 mg THC combined with 5 mg cannabidiol (CBD), and 15 mg [...]
Lire la suiteMapping cannabis potency in medical and recreational programs in the United States Mary Catherine Cash, Katharine Cunnane, Chuyin Fan, E. Alfonso Romero-Sandoval PLoS ONE, 2020, 15, (3), e0230167. Doi : 10.1371/journal.pone.0230167 Opinion d'expert: Les allégations sur l'infaisabilité du cannabis avec des concentrations élevées de THC à des fins médicales ne sont pas étayées par la science En mars 2020, le conseil d'administration de l'IACM a décidé d'installer une nouvelle catégorie dans le Bulletin de l’IACM, qui encourage à rédiger des opinions et des déclarations de chercheurs sur les rapports scientifiques actuels et des déclarations de collègues. Ces avis visent à stimuler la discussion sur [...]
Lire la suiteMDMA-Induced Dissociative State not Mediated by the 5-HT2A Receptor Drew J. Puxty, Johannes G. Ramaekers, Rafael de la Torre, Magí Farré, Neus Pizarro, Mitona Pujadas and Kim P. C. Kuypers Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2017, Volume 8, Article 455 Doi : 10.3389/fphar.2017.00455 Previous research has shown that a single dose of MDMA induce a dissociative state, by elevating feelings of depersonalization and derealization. Typically, it is assumed that action on the 5-HT2A receptor is the mechanism underlying these psychedelic experiences. In addition, other studies have shown associations between dissociative states and biological parameters (heart rate, cortisol), which are elevated by MDMA. In order to investigate [...]
Lire la suiteNonlinear Disposition and Metabolic Interactions of Cannabidiol Through CYP3A Inhibition In Vivo in Rats Michiru Nagao, Yukako Nakano, Masataka Tajima, Erika Sugiyama, Vilasinee Hirunpanich Sato, Makoto Inada, and Hitoshi Sato Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2020, Volume X, Number X, 1-8. DOI: 10.1089/can.2019.0098 Abstract Introduction : Cannabidiol (CBD) is known to affect the pharmacokinetics of other drugs through metabolic inhibition of CYP2C19 and CYP3A4. However, there is a lack of in vivo evidence for such drug interactions. Therefore, we investigated the saturability of CBD metabolism and CBD-drug interactions through inhibition of CYP3A in vivo. Materials and Methods : A nanoemulsion formulation of CBD (CBD-NE) was orally administered to [...]
Lire la suiteL’huile de chanvre contient-elle du THC et du CBD ? Newsweed, 11 février 2020 Aurélien BERNARD https://www.newsweed.fr/huile-chanvre-contient-thc-cbd/ L’huile de chanvre, extraite des graines, est une source précieuse d’omega 3 et 6 et de nutriments dans l’alimentation quotidienne. Sa valeur nutritionnelle et thérapeutique pourrait néanmoins aussi être attribuée à sa composition en cannabinoïdes qui, si faiblement présents, existent quand même. Dans une étude de 2019, plusieurs cannabinoïdes ont été détectés dans l’huile de graines de chanvre et permettent de déterminer des différences dans leur composition chimique. Bien que le CBDA et le CBD soient prédominants dans les dix huiles étudiées, 20 autres cannabinoïdes «mineurs» ont été [...]
Lire la suiteComprehensive classification of USA cannabis samples based on chemical profiles of major cannabinoids and terpenoids Ramia Z. Al Bakain, Yahya S. Al-Degs, James V. Cizdziel and Mahmoud A. Elsohly Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 2019 Doi : 10.1080/10826076.2019.1701015 ABSTRACT Different USA-origin cannabis samples were analyzed by GC-FID to quantify all possible cannabinoids and terpenoids prior to their clustering. Chromatographic analysis confirmed the presence of seven cannabinoids and sixteen terpenoids with variable levels. Among tested cannabinoids, D9-Tetrahydro-cannabinol D9-THC and cannabinol CBN were available in excess amounts (1.2–8.0 wt%) and (0.22–1.1 wt%), respectively. Fenchol was the most abundant terpenoid with a range of (0.03–1.0 wt%). [...]
Lire la suiteIntensity of Mystical Experiences Occasioned by 5-MeO-DMT and Comparison With a Prior Psilocybin Study Joseph Barsuglia, Alan K. Davis, Robert Palmer, Rafael Lancelotta, Austin-Marley Windham-Herman, Kristel Peterson, Martin Polanco, Robert Grant and Roland R. Griffiths Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, Vol 9, Article doi : 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02459 5-MeO-DMT is a psychoactive substance found in high concentrations in the bufotoxin of the Colorado River Toad (Bufo alvarius). Emerging evidence suggests that vaporized 5-MeO-DMT may occasion mystical experiences of comparable intensity to those occasioned by more widely studied psychedelics such as psilocybin, but no empirical study has tested this hypothesis. Data was obtained from 20 individuals (Mage = [...]
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