Étiquette : CBD

Le Parlement Européen favorable au développement du Cannabis thérapeutique, 13 février 2019

Take medical use of cannabis seriously, say MEPs   Press Releases , Plenary session , ENVI  13-02-2019 - 17:46   http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20190207IPR25221/take-medical-use-of-cannabis-seriously-say-meps The EU should stimulate innovation in medical cannabis  Effective cannabis-based medicines should be covered by health insurance schemes  Authorities should distinguish clearly between medical and other uses  www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+TA+20190213+TOC+DOC+XML+V0//EN&language=EN MEPs propose ways to address research gaps on medical cannabis and call on member states to seize the potential of cannabis-based medicines. In a resolution adopted on Wednesday, MEPs call on the Commission and national authorities to draw a clear distinction between medical cannabis and other uses of cannabis. The resolution urges the Commission and member [...]

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Cannabidiol inhibits THC-elicited paranoid symptoms and hippocampal-dependent memory impairment, Beckley Foundation, 2017.

Cannabidiol inhibits THC-elicited paranoid symptoms and hippocampal-dependent memory impairment Englund A, Morrison PD, Nottage J, Hague D, Kane F, Bonaccorso S, Stone JM, Reichenberg A, Brenneisen R, Holt D, Feilding A, Walker L, Murray RM, Kapur S. Beckley Foundation, 2017. https://beckleyfoundation.org/resource/cannabidiol-inhibits-thc-elicited-paranoid-symptoms-and-hippocampal-dependent-memory-impairment/ Abstract Community-based studies suggest that cannabis products that are high in delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) but low in cannabidiol (CBD) are particularly hazardous for mental health. Laboratory-based studies are ideal for clarifying this issue because THC and CBD can be administered in pure form, under controlled conditions. In a between-subjects design, we tested the hypothesis that pre-treatment with CBD inhibited THC-elicited psychosis and cognitive impairment. Healthy participants were [...]

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Pills to Pot : Observational Analyses of Cannabis Substitution Among Medical Cannabis Users With Chronic Pain, K.F. Boehnke, 2019

Pills to Pot : Observational Analyses of Cannabis Substitution Among Medical Cannabis Users With Chronic Pain Kevin F. Boehnke, J. Ryan Scott, Evangelos Litinas, Suzanne Sisley, David A. Williams, Daniel J. Clauw The Journal of Pain, 2019 https://www.jpain.org/article/S1526-5900(18)30735-1/fulltext DOI : https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpain.2019.01.010 Highlights •Medical cannabis users reported substituting cannabis for pain medications. •User rationale for substitution was fewer side effects and better pain management. •Most users reported improved pain and health since using cannabis. •Intentions behind and duration of cannabis use affected substitution behavior. •Unlike previous studies, >50% of participants were women and adults >50 years old. Abstract Chronic pain is common, costly, and challenging to treat. Many [...]

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Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep : A Large Case Series, S. Shannon et al. , 2019

Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep : A Large Case Series SHANNON S., LEWIS N., LEE H., HUGHES S. The Permanente Journal, 2019, 23   Abstract CONTEXT: Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of many cannabinoid compounds found in cannabis. It does not appear to alter consciousness or trigger a "high." A recent surge in scientific publications has found preclinical and clinical evidence documenting value for CBD in some neuropsychiatric disorders, including epilepsy, anxiety, and schizophrenia. Evidence points toward a calming effect for CBD in the central nervous system. Interest in CBD as a treatment of a wide range of disorders has exploded, yet few clinical studies of [...]

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Adenosine A2A-Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor Heteromers in the Hippocampus : Cannabidiol Blunts Δ9Tetrahydrocannabinol-Induced Cognitive Impairment, Ester Aso et al., 2019

Adenosine A2A-Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor Heteromers in the Hippocampus : Cannabidiol Blunts Δ9Tetrahydrocannabinol-Induced Cognitive Impairment Ester Aso, Víctor Fernández-Dueñas, Marc López-Cano, Jaume Taura, Masahiko Watanabe, Isidre Ferrer, Rafael Luján, Francisco Ciruela, Ester Aso Molecular Neurobiology, First Online: 04 January 2019, pp 1-10. C : Springer Nature Switzerland AG Abstract : At present, clinical interest in the plant-derived cannabinoid compound cannabidiol (CBD) is rising exponentially, since it displays multiple therapeutic properties. In addition, CBD can counteract the undesirable effects of the psychoactive cannabinoid Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) that hinder clinical development of cannabis-based therapies. Despite this attention, the mechanisms of CBD action and its interaction with Δ9-THC are still not completely elucidated. Here, by combining in vivo [...]

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Oral Cannabidiol Use in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder to Treat Related Symptoms and Co-morbidities, D. Barchel et al., Frontiers in Pharmacology, Tel Aviv, 2019

Oral Cannabidiol Use in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder to Treat Related Symptoms and Co-morbidities BARCHEL D., STOLAR O., De-HAAN T., ZIV-BARAN T., SABAN N., FUCHS D.O., KOREN G., BERKOVITCH M. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2019, 9, 1521. doi : 10.3389/fphar.2018.01521,   PMID : 30687090   Objective: Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) commonly exhibit comorbid symptoms such as aggression, hyperactivity and anxiety. Several studies are being conducted worldwide on cannabidiol use in ASD; however, these studies are still ongoing, and data on the effects of its use is very limited. In this study we aimed to report the experience of parents who administer, under supervision, oral [...]

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What Is the CBD Dosing Required for Effective Pain Relief ? Medscape, 14/12/2018

What Is the CBD Dosing Required for Effective Pain Relief ? Damian McNamara, CME, Laurie Barclay, MD Posted: 12/14/2018 Clinical Context The effects of cannabis in humans include euphoria, increased sensitivity to external experience, relaxation, and potential for addiction. Cannabidiol is a compound in the cannabis plant that lacks euphoric and addictive qualities and that may be useful to treat conditions including chronic pain, nausea, epilepsy, psychosis, and anxiety. The optimal therapeutic dose of CBD has not yet been determined, and it has been used in a wide dose range from 2.85 to 50 mg/kg/day. The therapeutic effects of CBD appear to emanate from its interaction [...]

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Interactions du CBD avec des médicaments sous ordonnance, blog-cannabis.com, repris sur Principesactifs.org, 2019

Interactions du CBD avec des médicaments sous ordonnance Source : blog-cannabis.com, repris sur Principesactifs.org, 2019 Le CBD est considéré comme bénin, mais il existe beaucoup d’interactions médicamenteuses à éviter avec les médicaments sous ordonnance… "Le CBD fait fureur, ce cannabinoïde non toxique a une tonne d’avantages médicaux. Les gens de tous âges utilisent le CBD pour traiter des problèmes médicaux graves comme l’épilepsie, la maladie de Parkinson, ainsi que des problèmes de santé mentale comme l’anxiété, la dépression et la toxicomanie. Mais il est important d’apprendre comment il peut interagir avec d’autres médicaments sous ordonnance." https://www.principesactifs.org/interactions-du-cdb-avec-des-medicaments-sous-ordonnance/

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Cannabidiol (CBD) : analyse de situation, Rapport de Recherche n° 97, “Addiction Suisse”, 2019

Cannabidiol (CBD) : analyse de situation Frank ZOBEL, Luca NOTARI, Eva SCHNEIDER, Ocyna RUDMANN Addiction Suisse, Lausanne, janvier 2019 Rapport de recherche N° 97 https://www.addictionsuisse.ch/fileadmin/user_upload/DocUpload/Rapport-CBD-final.pdf   Table des matières Liste des tableaux Liste des graphiques 1 Introduction 2 Méthode 3 Brève analyse de la littérature sur les effets du Cannabidiol (CBD) 3.1 Méthode 3.2 Usages du CBD et effets 3.3 Pourquoi prendre du CBD? Amélioration de la qualité de vie/réduction de certains symptômes dans le domaine somatique Amélioration de la qualité de vie/réduction de certains symptômes dans le domaine psychique Traitement/prévention de maladies chroniques et neurodégénératives, renforcement du système immunitaire . Traitement de troubles neurologiques diagnostiqués . Autres 3.4 Que sait-on de ces effets à ce jour? 3.5 Le CBD peut-il [...]

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Medicinal Properties of Cannabis, Terpenes, and Flavonoids in Cannabis, and Benefits in Migraine, Headache, and Pain : An Update on Current Evidence and Cannabis Science, E.P. Baron, 2018

Medicinal Properties of Cannabis, Terpenes, and Flavonoids in Cannabis, and Benefits in Migraine, Headache, and Pain : An Update on Current Evidence and Cannabis Science, Eric P. BARON Headache, July/August 2018, 1139-1186.   Background.—Comprehensive literature reviews of historical perspectives and evidence supporting cannabis/ cannabinoids in the treatment of pain, including migraine and headache, with associated neurobiological mechanisms of pain modulation have been well described. Most of the existing literature reports on the cannabinoids Δ9- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), or cannabis in general. There are many cannabis strains that vary widely in the composition of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and other compounds. These components work [...]

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