Catégorie : Cannabis therapeutique

Twitter Bots Tout Cannabis as a Cure-all Despite Few Approved Medical Uses, Lisa Rapaport, Medscape,  2019.

Twitter Bots Tout Cannabis as a Cure-all Despite Few Approved Medical Uses Lisa Rapaport Medscape - Dec 27, 2019. (Reuters Health) - Social media bots are promoting cannabis as a remedy for everything from cancer to insomnia and foot pain, according to an analysis of posts on Twitter. "Social bots regularly perpetuate unsubstantiated health claims on the platform, providing one example of how false statements may drown out solid science on social media," said lead study author Jon-Patrick Allem of the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. "I want the public to be aware of the difference between a demonstrated, scientifically backed [...]

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Cannabis : saurez-vous bien faire la distinction entre le «bien-être» et la «récréation» ?, Jean-Yves NAU, Blog Le Monde, 23 décembre 2019

Cannabis : saurez-vous bien faire la distinction entre le «bien-être» et la «récréation» ? Jean-Yves NAU Blog Le Monde, 23 décembre 2019 Bonjour Est-ce une nouvelle tentative pour dépénaliser/légaliser une substance illicite mais très largement consommée ? L’Assemblée nationale vient de créér une « Mission d’information commune sur la réglementation et l’impact des différents usages du cannabis ». Une mission composée de trente-trois députés et issue des réflexions de … six commissions (affaires économiques, affaires sociales, lois, finances, affaires culturelles et éducatives, développement durable). Pourquoi développer une telle énergie législative ? Parce qu’ « en France  la réglementation des usages du cannabis a particulièrement évolué ces dix dernières années » [il s’agit de [...]

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Cannabinoids Identification in Lung Tissues of Young Cannabis Smokers Operated for Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax and Correlation with Pathologic Findings, Mario Bisconti et al., 2019

Cannabinoids Identification in Lung Tissues of Young Cannabis Smokers Operated for Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax and Correlation with Pathologic Findings Mario Bisconti, Giuseppe Marulli, Roberta Pacifici, Francesco Sollitto, Giulia Nex, Xenia Trabucco, Nicoletta Pia Ardò, Maria Concetta Rotolo, Giulia De Iaco, Teodora Panza, Debora Brascia, Marcella Schiavone, Francesca Signore, Francesco Pistelli, Angela De Palma Respiration, 2019. Doi : 10.1159/000503456   Abstract Background : Several studies suggested the association between tobacco and cannabis smoking and the risk of primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP), but none demonstrated cannabinoids in human lung tissues. Objectives : The aim of this study was to identify cannabinoids in lung specimens of young cannabis smokers, operated [...]

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Drug-drug interactions as a result of coadministering Δ9-THC and CBD with other psychotropic agents, Carola Rong et al., 2018

Drug-drug interactions as a result of coadministering Δ9-THC and CBD with other psychotropic agents Carola Rong, Nicole E. Carmona, Yena L. Lee, Renee-Marie Ragguett, Zihang Pan, Joshua D. Rosenblat, Mehala Subramaniapillai, Margarita Shekotikhina, Fahad Almatham, Asem Alageel, Rodrigo Mansur, Roger C. Ho & Roger S. McIntyre Expert Opinion on Drug Safety, 2018, 17:1, 51-54. Doi : 10.1080/14740338.2017.1397128   ABSTRACT Introduction : To determine, via narrative, non-systematic review of pre-clinical and clinical studies, whether the effect of cannabis on hepatic biotransformation pathways would be predicted to result in clinically significant drug-drug interactions (DDIs) with commonly prescribed psychotropic agents. Areas covered: A non-systematic literature search was conducted using the following [...]

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The association between regular cannabis use, with and without tobacco co-use, and adverse cardiovascular outcomes : cannabis may have a greater impact in non-tobacco smokers, Theresa Winhusen et al., 2019

The association between regular cannabis use, with and without tobacco co-use, and adverse cardiovascular outcomes : cannabis may have a greater impact in non-tobacco smokers Theresa Winhusen, Jeff Theobald, David C. Kaelber, and Daniel Lewis The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2019   ABSTRACT Background : Understanding the potential impact of cannabis use on cardiovascular health is increasingly important as cannabis use rises in the U.S. Objectives : This study evaluated the associations between regular cannabis use, with and without tobacco co-use, and cardiovascular outcomes. Methods : Analysis of a limited dataset obtained through IBM Watson Health Explorys, a platform integrating electronic health record data. [...]

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Patient-reported use of medical cannabis for pain, anxiety, and depression symptoms : Systematic review and meta-analysis, Jesse D. Kosiba et al., 2019

Patient-reported use of medical cannabis for pain, anxiety, and depression symptoms : Systematic review and meta-analysis Jesse D. Kosiba, Stephen A. Maisto, Joseph W. Ditre Social Science & Medicine, 2019, 181-192. This study is the first to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of empirical studies that assess patient-reported reasons for using medical cannabis to alleviate pain, anxiety, and depression. The present review further assessed the quality of studies and identified several methodological flaws in extant research. Highlights •Systematically reviewed studies why patients use medical cannabis. •Pain was a common reason for medical cannabis use (64%). •Anxiety (50%) and depression (34%) were [...]

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The Role of Cannabis in Treating Anxiety : An Update, Michael Van Ameringen et al., 2019

The Role of Cannabis in Treating Anxiety : An Update Michael Van Ameringen; Jasmine Zhang; Beth Patterson; Jasmine Turna Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 2019, 33, (1), 1-7. DOI : 10.1097/YCO.0000000000000566 Abstract and Introduction Abstract Purpose of review: Cannabis use for medical purposes has become increasingly common, including as treatment for mental health disorders such as anxiety. Unfortunately, the evidence examining its use in mental health has been slow to evolve, but is emerging. Given the widespread use of cannabis, it is important for both clinicians and those who suffer with anxiety to understand the effects of cannabis on symptoms of anxiety. In this review, we present [...]

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Real-World Approaches to Cannabinoids in Pediatric-Onset Epilepsy: What Do the Data Tell Us? CME, Anup Patel,, 2019

Real-World Approaches to Cannabinoids in Pediatric-Onset Epilepsy: What Do the Data Tell Us? CME Anup Patel, MD Posted: 12/19/2019   Educational Impact Challenge The goal of this activity is to improve knowledge and competence related to the selection of cannabinoid-based therapies for pediatric-onset seizure disorders. Before you begin this activity, please assess your clinical knowledge by completing this brief survey. Answering these questions again after the activity will allow you to see what you learned and to compare your answers with those of your peers. What did you learn from this activity? Please click on the "Next" button to proceed to a brief survey to see how your [...]

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Se cacher, assumer, éviter d’en parler… comment font les parents qui fument du cannabis ?, Romain Geoffroy, 27 janvier 2019, Le Monde

Se cacher, assumer, éviter d’en parler… comment font les parents qui fument du cannabis ? On peut mener une vie familiale tranquille et pourtant, chaque jour, s’allumer un joint. Des gestes parfois difficiles à assumer avec les enfants. Par Romain Geoffroy Publié le 27 janvier 2019 à 06h34 - Mis à jour le 01 août 2019 à 17h06 QUENTIN HUGON / LE MONDE Il est 22 heures, Sébastien* s’enferme dans la salle de bains de son appartement parisien. C’est par cette fenêtre que, presque tous les soirs de la semaine, il souffle l’épaisse fumée de son joint. Une fois [...]

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Cannabis thérapeutique : l’Assemblée autorise une expérimentation, Pierre Dharréville, LIBERATION, Avec AFP, 25 octobre 2019

Cannabis thérapeutique : l’Assemblée autorise une expérimentation   Pierre Dharréville.  LIBERATION, Avec AFP — 25 octobre 2019 à 09:26 (mis à jour à 10:08) Cette expérimentation concernera des personnes souffrant de maladies graves pour lesquelles les dérivés du cannabis peuvent constituer un apport thérapeutique supplémentaire. C’est «oui». L’Assemblée nationale a donné vendredi son feu vert à une expérimentation de l’usage médical du cannabis, dans le cadre de l’examen du projet de budget de la Sécurité sociale pour 2020. Les députés ont voté à main levée un amendement du rapporteur Olivier Véran (LREM) qui autorise pour deux ans [...]

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