Catégorie : Cannabis therapeutique

Bibliographie : Interactions et antagonisme THC – CBD, Docteur Christian SUEUR, GRECC, mars 2020.

Bibliographie : Interactions et antagonisme THC - CBD   Docteur Christian SUEUR, GRECC, mars 2020.   Les interactions entre le THC et le CBD sur le système endocannabinoide, quant aux effets psychotomimetic (production de "symptomes psychotiques") sont opposés : là où le THC produit préférentiellement de l'anxiété, et des effets "psychotisants", le CBD est plutôt anxiolytique et "antipsychotique". Ces deux phytocannabinoïdes sont "antagonistes", et contribuent, parmi d'autres inter-relations entre les phytocannabinoïdes, les terpènes et les flavonoïdes composant le cannabis, aux "effets d'entourage" fondamentaux, tout autant quant à la production "d'effets indésirables" et de risques pour la santé mentale du consommateur, que dans le cadre de [...]

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Cannabis for pediatric epilepsy : protocol for a living systematic review, Jesse Elliott et al., 2018

Cannabis for pediatric epilepsy : protocol for a living systematic review Jesse Elliott, Deirdre DeJean, Tammy Clifford, Doug Coyle, Beth Potter, Becky Skidmore, Christine Alexander, Alexander E. Repetski, Bláthnaid McCoy and George A. Wells Systematic Reviews, 2018, 7, 95 doi : 10.1186/s13643-018-0761-2   Abstract Background : Pediatric epilepsy, including treatment-resistant forms, has a major effect on the quality of life, morbidity, and mortality of affected children. Interest has been growing in the use of medical cannabis as a treatment for pediatric epilepsy, yet there has been no comprehensive review of the benefits and harms of cannabis use in this population. In this systematic review, we will [...]

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Cannabidiol Is a Potential Therapeutic for the Affective-Motivational Dimension of Incision Pain in Rats, Karina Genaro et al., 2017

Cannabidiol Is a Potential Therapeutic for the Affective-Motivational Dimension of Incision Pain in Rats Karina Genaro, Débora Fabris, Ana L. F. Arantes, Antônio W. Zuardi, José A. S. Crippa and Wiliam A. Prado Frontiers in Pharmacology, June 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 391 doi : 10.3389/fphar.2017.00391   Background : Pain involves different brain regions and is critically determined by emotional processing. Among other areas, the rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC) is implicated in the processing of affective pain. Drugs that interfere with the endocannabinoid system are alternatives for the management of clinical pain. Cannabidiol (CBD), a phytocannabinoid found in Cannabis sativa, has been utilized [...]

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Marijuana Use Continues to Grow in Older Adults, Pauline Anderson, Medscape, 26 February 2020

Marijuana Use Continues to Grow in Older Adults Pauline Anderson Medscape, February 26, 2020   Cannabis use in older Americans is growing. New research shows that over a 4-year period use of the drug in individuals age 65 and older increased by 75%. Joseph J. Palamar, PhD, MPH This population is especially vulnerable to potential adverse effects from cannabis and so this population needs to understand the potential risks associated with marijuana use, study investigator Joseph J. Palamar, PhD, MPH, associate professor, Department of Population Health, New York University (NYU) Langone Medical Center, New York City, told Medscape Medical News. The findings, he added, indicate a need for more [...]

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A single dose of cannabidiol reduces blood pressure in healthy volunteers in a randomized crossover study, Khalid A. Jadoon et al., 2017

A single dose of cannabidiol reduces blood pressure in healthy volunteers in a randomized crossover study Khalid A. Jadoon, Garry D. Tan, and Saoirse E. O’Sullivan JCI Insight, 2017, 2, (11), e93760 Doi : 10.1172/jci.insight.93760   BACKGROUND. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a nonpsychoactive phytocannabinoid used in multiple sclerosis and intractable epilepsies. Preclinical studies show CBD has numerous cardiovascular benefits, including a reduced blood pressure (BP) response to stress. The aim of this study was to investigate if CBD reduces BP in humans. METHODS. Nine healthy male volunteers were given 600 mg of CBD or placebo in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover study. Cardiovascular parameters were monitored using [...]

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Cannabis as Medicine: How CBD (Cannabidiol) Benefits the Brain and Nervous System, Audrey Lefebvre, 2016

Cannabis as Medicine: How CBD (Cannabidiol) Benefits the Brain and Nervous System Audrey Lefebvre   Cannabidiol (CBD) is an active cannabinoid found in cannabis which, unlike THC (tetrahydro-cannabinol), does not produce a psychoactive effect in the brain. For this reason, CBD has become a primary focus of medicinal cannabis studies. CBD has been found to have a wide range of benefits, including lowering blood sugar levels, promoting bone growth, and importantly, protecting the human brain and nervous system from degeneration. How CBD Protects the Nervous System The nervous system is comprised of two main parts: the peripheral nervous system, which includes the nerves and ganglia on [...]

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Is there a role for cannabidiol in psychiatry ?, Julia Machado Khoury et al., 2017

Is there a role for cannabidiol in psychiatry ? Julia Machado Khoury , Maila de Castro Lourenço das Neves, Marco Antônio Valente Roque, Daniela Alves de Brito Queiroz , Andre Augusto Corrêa de Freitas, Angelo de Fatima, Fabrıcio Moreira and Frederico Duarte Garcia The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2017, 16 p. Doi : 10.1080/15622975.2017.1285049   ABSTRACT Objectives : Understanding whether cannabidiol (CBD) is useful and safe for the treatment of psychiatric disorders is essential to empower psychiatrists and patients to take good clinical decisions. Our aim was to conduct a systematic review regarding the benefits and adverse events (AEs) of CBD in the treatment of schizophrenia, psychotic [...]

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Therapeutic Satisfaction and Subjective Effects of Different Strains of Pharmaceutical-Grade Cannabis, Tibor M. Brunt et al., 2014

Therapeutic Satisfaction and Subjective Effects of Different Strains of Pharmaceutical-Grade Cannabis Tibor M. Brunt, Marianne van Genugten, Kathrin Honer-Snoeken, Marco J. van de Velde, and Raymond J.M. Niesink Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacoly, 2014, 34, 344Y349 Doi : 10.1097/JCP.0000000000000129   Abstract : In The Netherlands, pharmaceutical-grade cultivated cannabis is distributed for medicinal purposes as commissioned by the Ministry of Health. Few studies have thus far described its therapeutic efficacy or subjective (adverse) effects in patients. The aims of this study are to assess the therapeutic satisfaction within a group of patients using prescribed pharmaceutical-grade cannabis and to compare the subjective effects among the available strains with special [...]

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