Catégorie : Cannabis et Réduction des Risques

The Role of Cannabinoids in Neuroanatomic Alterations in Cannabis Users, Valentina Lorenzetti et al., 2016

The Role of Cannabinoids in Neuroanatomic Alterations in Cannabis Users Valentina Lorenzetti, Nadia Solowij, and Murat Yücel Biological Psychiatry, 2016, 79:e17-e31 ABSTRACT The past few decades have seen a marked change in the composition of commonly smoked cannabis. These changes primarily involve an increase of the psychoactive compound Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and a decrease of the potentially therapeutic compound cannabidiol (CBD). This altered composition of cannabis may be linked to persistent neuroanatomic alterations typically seen in regular cannabis users. In this review, we summarize recent findings from human structural neuroimaging investigations. We examine whether neuroanatomic alterations are 1) consistently observed in samples of regular cannabis [...]

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Cannabis Use in Pregnancy. A Tale of 2 Concerns, Michael Silverstein et al., 2019

Cannabis Use in Pregnancy. A Tale of 2 Concerns Michael Silverstein, MD, MPH1,2; Elizabeth A. Howell, MD, MPH3; Barry Zuckerman, MD1 JAMA. Published online June 18, 2019. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.8860 Original Investigation Association Between Self-reported Prenatal Cannabis Use and Maternal, Perinatal, and Neonatal Outcomes Daniel J. Corsi, PhD; Laura Walsh, MSc; Deborah Weiss, PhD; Helen Hsu, MD; Darine El-Chaar, MD; Steven Hawken, PhD; Deshayne B. Fell, PhD; Mark Walker, MD Research Letter Medical and Nonmedical Cannabis Use Among Pregnant Women in the United States Nora D. Volkow, MD; Beth Han, MD, PhD, MPH; Wilson M. Compton, MD, MPE; Elinore F. McCance-Katz, MD, PhD Full Text,   In an article in JAMA, Corsi and colleagues1 present the results of a retrospective cohort study of 661 617 women designed to assess associations between maternal cannabis use during pregnancy and adverse obstetrical and [...]

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Self-reported Medical and Nonmedical Cannabis Use Among Pregnant Women in the United States, Nora D. Volkow et al., 2019

RESEARCH LETTER Self-reported Medical and Non-medical Cannabis Use Among Pregnant Women in the United States JAMA, Published online June 18, 2019. doi: 10.1001/jama.2019.7982 Cannabis use increased among pregnantwomenin the United States from2002 to 2014.1 However, changes in cannabis use and frequency by trimester over time and national prevalence of medical cannabis use during pregnancy are unknown. Data fromtheNational Survey on Drug Use andHealth (NSDUH) were examined to address these knowledge gaps. Methods : Data were from women aged 12 to 44 years who participated in the 2002-2017 NSDUH, a representative survey of the US civilian, noninstitutionalized population.2 Collection of NSDUH data was approved [...]

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Association Between Self-reported Prenatal Cannabis Use and Maternal, Perinatal, and Neonatal Outcomes, Daniel J. Corsi et al., 2019

Association Between Self-reported Prenatal Cannabis Use and Maternal, Perinatal, and Neonatal Outcomes Daniel J. Corsi, PhD; LauraWalsh, MSc; DeborahWeiss, PhD; Helen Hsu, MD; Darine El-Chaar, MD; Steven Hawken, PhD; Deshayne B. Fell, PhD; MarkWalker,MD JAMA,  Published online June 18, 2019. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.8734   Key Points Question  Is there an association between prenatal cannabis exposure and maternal, perinatal, and neonatal outcomes? Findings  In this retrospective cohort study that included 661 617 pregnancies and 9427 reported cannabis users, the rate of preterm birth among reported cannabis users was 12% vs 6% in nonusers, a statistically significant difference. Meaning  Reported cannabis use in pregnancy was associated with significant increases in the rate of preterm [...]

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Epigenetic Effects of Cannabis Exposure, Henrietta Szutorisz and Yasmin L. Hurd, 2016

Epigenetic Effects of Cannabis Exposure Henrietta Szutorisz and Yasmin L. Hurd Biological Psychiatry, 2016, 79, 7,  586–594. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.09.014. Abstract The past decade has witnessed a number of societal and political changes that have raised critical questions about the long-term impact of marijuana (Cannabis sativa) that are especially important given the prevalence of its abuse and that potential long-term effects still largely lack scientific data. Disturbances of the epigenome have generally been hypothesized as the molecular machinery underlying the persistent, often tissue-specific transcriptional and behavioral effects of cannabinoids that have been observed within one’s lifetime and even into the subsequent generation. Here, we provide an overview [...]

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Should Physicians Recommend Replacing Opioids With Cannabis?, Keith Humphreys, Richard Saitz, 2019

Should Physicians Recommend Replacing Opioids With Cannabis? Keith Humphreys PhD, Richard Saitz, MD, MPH JAMA, 2019, 321, 7, 639-640. doi : 10.1001/jama.2019.0077 Recent state regulations (eg, in New York, Illinois) allow medical cannabis as a substitute for opioids for chronic pain and for addiction. Yet the evidence regarding safety, efficacy, and comparative effectiveness is at best equivocal for the former recommendation and strongly suggests the latter—substituting cannabis for opioid addiction treatments is potentially harmful. Neither recommendation meets the standards of rigor desirable for medical treatment decisions.   Résumé : States that permit medical marijuana as an alternative to opioids for chronic pain and for addiction [...]

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Essais pilotes avec du cannabis: premier obstacle franchi, CSSS-N Commissions de la sécurité sociale et de la santé publique, Berne, Suisse, 3 mai 2019

CSSS-N Commissions de la sécurité sociale et de la santé publique Secrétariat CH-3003 Berne Vendredi, 03 mai 2019 15h50 Communiqué de presse Essais pilotes avec du cannabis: premier obstacle franchi La Commission de la sécurité sociale et de la santé publique du Conseil national est entrée en matière sur le projet prévoyant la création d’un article relatif aux projets pilotes dans la loi sur les stupéfiants. Elle souhaite permettre la réalisation d’études scientifiques sur la remise contrôlée de cannabis en vue d’une consommation récréative. Par 12 voix contre 9 et 2 abstentions, la Commission de la sécurité sociale et de la santé publique [...]

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The Cannabis Conundrum : Thinking Outside the THC Box, Sarah L. Hagerty et al., 2015

The Cannabis Conundrum : Thinking Outside the THC Box Sarah L. Hagerty, Sophie L. York Williams, Vijay A. Mittal, and Kent E. Hutchison The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2015, 55, 8, 839–841 DOI: 10.1002/jcph.511   Keywords : cannabis, cannabinoids, D9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), psychosis   Despite nationwide movements to legalize and regulate cannabis, our understanding of its effects on human health is tenuous at best. Developing a solid evidence base regarding the health effects of cannabis is imperative given the momentum for legalization and the demand for sound regulatory practices. This present commentary will identify limitations with respect to previous research on cannabis, discuss the genesis and implications [...]

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Usages d’alcool, de tabac et de cannabis chez les adolescents du secondaire en 2018, Stanislas Spilka et al., Tendances, juin 2018

Usages d’alcool, de tabac et de cannabis chez les adolescents du secondaire en 2018 Stanislas Spilka, Emmanuelle Godeau (EHESP), Olivier Le Nézet, Virginie Ehlinger (Inserm UMR 1027), Eric Janssen, Alex Brissot, Antoine Philippon, Sandra Chyderiotis Tendances, juin 2018 Observatoire français des drogues et des toxicomanies   Observer les premiers usages de substances psychoactives chez les adolescents selon le niveau scolaire [1, 2] permet d’analyser le calendrier de diffusion des consommations pour la mise en oeuvre d’actions de prévention et de politiques de santé publique : quand et où intervenir auprès des élèves, quelles sont les classes « pivots » au cours desquelles les expérimentations s’amorcent ou [...]

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Therapeutic Prospects of Cannabidiol for Alcohol Use Disorder and Alcohol-Related Damages on the Liver and the Brain, Julia De Ternay et al., 2019,

Therapeutic Prospects of Cannabidiol for Alcohol Use Disorder and Alcohol-Related Damages on the Liver and the Brain Julia De Ternay, Mickaël Naassila Mikail Nourredine, Alexandre Louvet, François Bailly, Guillaume Sescousse, Pierre Maurage, Olivier Cottencin, Patrizia Maria Carrieri  and Benjamin Rolland Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2019, Volume 10, Article 627 doi : 10.3389/fphar.2019.00627 Abstract Background : Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural component of cannabis that possesses a widespread and complex immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anxiolytic, and antiepileptic properties. Much experimental data suggest that CBD could be used for various purposes in alcohol use disorder (AUD) and alcohol-related damage on the brain and the liver. Aim : To provide a rationale for [...]

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