Catégorie : Approches sociologiques de la consommation de Cannabis

CANNABIS EN TÊTE, “Dopamine”, Mai 2019

CANNABIS EN TÊTE A propos du Dossier Central publié dans le N°237 de la Revue SANTÉ MENTALE "SCHIZOPHRÉNIE ET CANNABIS" - - - - - - - - - - DOPAMINE #05 (MAI 2019)   Sans créer de lien de causalité à la vas-vite, difficile de ne pas associer schizophrénie et usage de cannabis puisqu'un quart des patients souffrants de cette pathologie consomment régulièrement un produit qui n'est peut-être pas entré dans leur vie par hasard ou du moins qu'ils ont adopté pour soulager certains symptômes tout en en aggravant d'autres... Quant à la part de responsabilité du cannabis dans l'apparition d'une schizophrénie, un certain nombre [...]

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Revue SWAPS n°90: Du Cannabis Thérapeutique à la Régulation, 1er trimestre 2019

Revue SWAPS n°90: Du Cannabis Thérapeutique à la Régulation, 1er trimestre 2019 EDITO S’agissant de la disponibilité du cannabis thérapeutique en France, la ministre de la santé, Agnès Buzyn, avait quelque peu entrouvert la porte : «C’est peut-être un retard que la France a pris quant à la recherche et au développement du cannabis médical. D’autres pays l’ont fait. (…) il n’y a aucune raison d’exclure, sous prétexte que c’est du cannabis, une molécule qui peut être intéressante pour le traitement de certaines douleurs très invalidantes». De fait, l’Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament (ANSM) a annoncé récemment (lire page 21) la [...]

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Legalizing and Regulating Marijuana in Canada: Review of Potential Economic, Social, and Health Impacts, Mohammad Hajizadeh, 2016

Legalizing and Regulating Marijuana in Canada: Review of Potential Economic, Social, and Health Impacts Mohammad Hajizadeh International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2016, 5, 8, 453–456. doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2016.63 Abstract : Notwithstanding a century of prohibition, marijuana is the most widely used illicit substance in Canada. Due to the growing public acceptance of recreational marijuana use and ineffectiveness of the existing control system in Canada, the issue surrounding legalizing this illicit drug has received considerable public and political attentions in recent years. Consequently, the newly elected Liberal Government has formally announced that Canada will introduce legislation in the spring of 2017 to start legalizing and regulating [...]

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Cannabis legalization in Canada: how might ‘strict’ regulation impact youth ?, Tara Marie Watson & Patricia G. Erickson, 2018

Cannabis legalization in Canada: how might ‘strict’ regulation impact youth? Tara Marie Watson & Patricia G. Erickson DRUGS: EDUCATION, PREVENTION AND POLICY, 2018   EDITORIAL Cannabis legalization in Canada: how might ‘strict’ regulation impact youth? Canada is on course to become, in October 2018, the second country in the world, after Uruguay, to federally legalize cannabis for recreational use. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government has set out to achieve several objectives with this major drug policy reform, including ‘[to] Protect young Canadians by keeping marijuana out of the hands of children and youth’ (Government of Canada, 2016). While protecting the health and safety of [...]

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Cannabis legalization in the provinces and territories : missing opportunities to effectively educate youth ?Tara Marie Watson et al., 2019

Cannabis legalization in the provinces and territories : missing opportunities to effectively educate youth ? Tara Marie Watson, Jenna Valleriani, Elaine Hyshka & Sergio Rueda Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2019 Abstract Cannabis is now legal in Canada, yet important questions remain regarding how the provinces and territories are approaching cannabis education and messaging aimed at youth. Although widespread education and awareness campaigns are long considered cornerstones of substance use and related harm prevention, there is limited evidence to support the effectiveness of such campaigns. We continue to see examples of cannabis-related messaging that focus on risk and harm and often adopt a narrow [...]

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A Cross-Sectional Survey of Medical Cannabis Users : Patterns of Use and Perceived Efficacy, Michelle Sexton et al.,

A Cross-Sectional Survey of Medical Cannabis Users : Patterns of Use and Perceived Efficacy Michelle Sexton, Carrie Cuttler, John S. Finnell, and Laurie K. Mischley Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2016, Volume 1.1, 131-138 DOI: 10.1089/can.2016.0007 Abstract Background: The political climate around Cannabis as a medicine is rapidly changing. Legislators are adopting policies regarding appropriate medical applications, while the paucity of research may make policy decisions around conditions for which Cannabis is an effective medicine difficult. Methods: An anonymous online survey was developed to query medical Cannabis users about the conditions they use Cannabis to treat, their use patterns, perception of efficacy, and physical and mental health. [...]

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Sex Differences in Cannabis Use and Effects: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Cannabis Users, Carrie Cuttler et al., 2016

Sex Differences in Cannabis Use and Effects: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Cannabis Users Carrie Cuttler, Laurie K. Mischley, and Michelle Sexton Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2016, 1, 1, 166-175 DOI : 10.1089/can.2016.0010 Abstract Introduction : Despite known sex differences in the endocannabinoid system of animals, little attention has been paid to sex differences in human's cannabis use patterns and effects. The purpose of the present study was to examine sex differences in cannabis use patterns and effects in a large sample of recreational and medical cannabis users. Methods : A large sample (n=2374) of cannabis users completed an anonymous, online survey that assessed their cannabis use [...]

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Streets of the ‘spice zombies’: Dependence and poverty stigma in times of austerity, Crime Media Culture, 2019

Streets of the ‘spice zombies’: Dependence and poverty stigma in times of austerity Liviu Alexandrescu School of History, Philosophy and Culture, Oxford Brookes University Crime Media Culture, 2019 Abstract Following the 2016 general ban on new psychoactive substances, synthetic cannabinoids (‘spice’-type drugs) have moved into unregulated street markets and have become popular among homeless populations in the United Kingdom. Images of so-called ‘spice zombies’, rough sleepers in public spaces experiencing severe substance-induced fits, have been used by local and national media to suggest the growing scale of the problem. This article proposes that such depictions should be read through a cultural analysis rooted in the [...]

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WEEDS – A propos du documentaire de Fab Five Freddy diffusé sur Netflix : Grass is greener, DOPAMINE, 2019, 04

WEEDS - A propos du documentaire de Fab Five Freddy diffusé sur Netflix : Grass is greener DOPAMINE, 2019, 04, A l'heure où les Etats-Unis font voler en éclat le régime prohibitionniste concernant le cannabis, un retour en arrière dans le temps est nécessaire pour comprendre quelles ont été les motivations des gouvernements successifs pour mettre au banc des accusés une plante verte et des consommateurs qui, s'ils se faisaient du bien ou du mal, ne le faisaient qu'à eux-mêmes sans déranger qui que ce soit... Bien entendu, ne comptez pas sur ce documentaire, réalisé et conté par Fab Five Freddy, ancien [...]

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Le Chanvre (Cannabis Sativa), par booksofdante40

Le Chanvre (Cannabis Sativa), par booksofdante40 Synonymes : chanevet, chanvret, canebier, cherve, chervet, chêne, chenove, etc. Le point de départ de l'histoire du chanvre se situe à mi-chemin entre la Turquie et la Chine, ce que l'on appellerait l'Asie centrale : cette zone d'origine comprend une partie de la Chine et du sous-continent indien, une portion iranienne et se compose enfin des ex républiques soviétiques que sont l'Ouzbékistan, le Turkménistan, l'Afghanistan, le Tadjikistan, le Kazakhstan et le Kirghizistan. A peu près. De là, il irradia tant vers la Chine orientale qu'en direction de l'ouest. En Chine, son usage médicinal remonte au moins au XV [...]

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