Catégorie : Publications récentes

Entheogen : Ultimate Guide To Entheogens, Rafaelia Cleary, Relax Like A Boss, 2019

Entheogen : Ultimate Guide To Entheogens Rafaelia Cleary, Relax Like A Boss, 2019   What is an entheogen? What do entheogenic substances do? And how does entheogen therapy work? We’ll answer all of these questions plus much more in our ultimate guide below… Table of Contents What Is An Entheogen? There are many people who find words like ‘spiritual’ and ‘psychedelic’ to be a little odd. However, they can’t deny the use of psychoactive sacraments in various religious practices. An entheogen is a type of psychoactive substance that plenty of shamanic and religious activities use. These psychoactive substances are typically the derivatives of plant sources. But now since the organic chemistry is in [...]

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Psychiatric Comorbidity of Cannabis Use Disorder, David Gorelick, 2019

Psychiatric Comorbidity of Cannabis Use Disorder David Gorelick In book : "Cannabis Use Disorders", January 2019 DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-90365-1_13   Abstract : Objective : This chapter reviews the epidemiology and treatment of cannabis use disorder (CUD) with psychiatric comorbidity. Methods : We summarize the findings of English-language epidemiological studies reporting current (past-year) comorbidity and of controlled clinical trials of treatment in which the majority of participants had diagnosed CUD and a specific comorbid disorder. Results : There is substantial CUD comorbidity among community-dwelling adults with major psychiatric disorders: 4–6% for depression, 14% for bipolar disorder, 5% for anxiety disorder, and 16% for schizophrenia. Conversely, there is substantial psychiatric [...]

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Endocannabinoid System, Aleksandra Tarasiuka et al., 2019

Endocannabinoid System Aleksandra Tarasiuka, Maciej Salagaa, and Jakub Fichna, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland Encyclopedia of Gastroenterology, 2nd Edition © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.   Introduction 1 Cannabinoids and Their Role in the Physiological and Pathophysiological Processes in the GI Tract 3 Physiological Conditions 3 Gut motility 3 Gastric secretion and emptying 3 Pathophysiological Conditions 4 IBS 4 IBD 5 Colon cancer 5 Peptic ulcer disease 5 Endocannabinoid System and Its Interplay With Other Systems 5 Cholecystokinin 5 Endovanilloids 6 Opioids 6 Endocannabinoid System and Gut Microbiota 6 Conclusion 7 Acknowledgments 7 References Introduction Endocannabinoid system (ECS) is one of the crucial physiological systems that may be targeted to improve human health. Endocannabinoids and their receptors are localized in various organs [...]

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Bipolar disorder and the endocannabinoid system, Shokouh Arjmand et al., 2019

Bipolar disorder and the endocannabinoid system Shokouh Arjmand, Mina Behzadi, Kristi A. Kohlmeier, Shahrzad Mazhari, Abdolreza Sabahi and Mohammad Shabani Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 2019, 1-9.   Abstract Objective : Bipolar disorder (BD) is a debilitating, lifelong neuropsychiatric illness characterised by unsteady mood states which vacillate from (hypo)mania to depression. Despite the availability of pharmaceutical agents which can be effective in ameliorating the acute affective symptoms and prevent episodic relapse, BD is inadequately treated in a subset of patients. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is known to exert neuromodulatory effects on other neurotransmitter systems critical in governing emotions. Several studies ranging from clinical to molecular, as well as [...]

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Role of the Endocannabinoid System in the Pathophysiology of Schizophrenia: Implications for Pharmacological Intervention, F.M. Leweke et al., 2018

Role of the Endocannabinoid System in the Pathophysiology of Schizophrenia: Implications for Pharmacological Intervention F.M. Leweke, J.K. Mueller, B.Lange, S. Fritze, C.E. Topor, D. Koethe, C. Rohleder CNS Drugs, 2018 Jul;32(7):605-619. doi: 10.1007/s40263-018-0539-z. Abstract The term schizophrenia describes a group of multifaceted psychiatric conditions causing significant impairment of the quality of life of affected patients. Although multiple pharmacological treatment options exist, e.g. first- or second-generation antipsychotics, these therapeutics often cause disturbing side effects, such as extrapyramidal symptoms, prolactin increase, sexual dysfunction and/or metabolic syndrome. Furthermore, cognitive impairments and negative symptoms, two factors significantly influencing the course and outcome, are not sufficiently addressed by the available [...]

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Childhood trauma and being at-risk for psychosis are associated with higher peripheral endocannabinoids, E. Appiah-Kusi et al., 2019

Childhood trauma and being at-risk for psychosis are associated with higher peripheral endocannabinoids E. Appiah-Kusi, R. Wilson, M.Colizzi, E. Foglia, Sagnik Bhattacharyya, et al. Psychological Medicine, 2019. DOI: Published online by Cambridge University Press: 19 August 2019 Abstract BackgroundEvidence has been accumulating regarding alterations in components of the endocannabinoid system in patients with psychosis. Of all the putative risk factors associated with psychosis, being at clinical high-risk for psychosis (CHR) has the strongest association with the onset of psychosis, and exposure to childhood trauma has been linked to an increased risk of development of psychotic disorder. We aimed to investigate whether being at-risk for [...]

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Hallucinogens and Their Therapeutic Use : A Literature Review, Matthew J. BEGOLA, Jason E. SCHILLERSTROM,2019

Hallucinogens and Their Therapeutic Use : A Literature Review Matthew J. BEGOLA, Jason E. SCHILLERSTROM Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 2019, 25, (5), 334–346 Doi : 10.1097/PRA.0000000000000409   The exploration of possible therapeutic benefitsof hallucinogenic substances has undergone a revitalization in the past decade. This literature review investigated the published literature regarding the psychotherapeutic uses of hallucinogens in psychiatric disorders. The results showed that a variety of substances have been evaluated in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, including ayahuasca, ibogaine, ketamine, lysergic acid diethylamide, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, and psilocybin. The conditions treated ranged from depression to autism, with the largest volume of research dedicated to substance use disorders. [...]

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Bibliographie : “Salvia divinorum”; Pharmacologie, Ethnopharmacologie, Neurophysiologie, Usages Thérapeutiques…, GRECC, Dr Christian Sueur, octobre 2019.

Bibliographie "Salvia divinorum" Pharmacologie, Ethnopharmacologie, Neurophysiologie, Usages Thérapeutiques..., GRECC, Dr Christian Sueur, octobre 2019.     Salvia divinorum : généralités, usages, sociologie.....................................................................................1 Salvia divinorum, Salvinorin A : Neurophysiologie..................................................................................4 Salvinorin A : Pharmacologie.....................................................................................................................7 Salvia divinorum et chamanisme..............................................................................................................11 Salvia divinorum et psychiatrie................................................................................................................12 Salvia divinorum et thérapeutique...........................................................................................................13      

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Histoire. La résine de cannabis : remède miracle ou poison d’Orient ?, Le Courrier International, David A Guba Jr.,2019.

Planche botanique de Cannabis sativa tirée du Nordisk familjebok, une encyclopédie suédoise publiée entre 1876 et 1957. Wikicommons Histoire. La résine de cannabis : remède miracle ou poison d’Orient ? David A Guba Jr.11 octobre 2019   XIXe siècle – France. Dans les années 1830, alors que la pandémie de choléra frappe l’Europe, le milieu médical français se passionne pour la résine de cannabis, parée de toutes les vertus. Nombreux sont ceux qui ont applaudi à l’annonce d’un début de réglementation prenant mieux en compte les enjeux de santé publique sur la consommation de cannabis en France. L’Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament a salué les [...]

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