Étiquette : système endocannabinoïde

Cannabis, from plant to pill, Pr Christopher GROF, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2018, 84, 2463-2467

REVIEW-THEMED ISSUE Cannabis, from plant to pill Pr Christopher GROF, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2018, 84, 2463-2467 Correspondence Professor Christopher P. L. Grof, School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, University Drive, Callaghan, NSW, 2308, Australia. Tel.: + 61 2 49215858; Fax: +61 2 4921 5361; 1 Centre for Plant Science, School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, NSW 2308, Australia and 2 The Australian Centre for Cannabinoid Clinical and Research Excellence Hunter Medical Research Institute, Locked Bag 1000, New Lambton, NSW2305, Australia   Keywords : cannabinoids, cannabis, flos, flower, terpenoids   The therapeutic application of cannabis is attracting substantial public and clinical interest. [...]

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Le trouble stress post-traumatique et son traitement : au sujet d’une observation, F.R. Ingold, C.D. Kaplan, C. Sueur, juin 2018

Le trouble stress post-traumatique et son traitement : au sujet d’une observation.   François-Rodolphe INGOLD, GRECC, PARIS Charles D. KAPLAN, UCLA, Los Angeles Christian SUEUR, GRECC, LYON   Intervention au Colloque UFCM I-care, Paris, Hôpital de La Salpétrière, 1er juin 2018.     AVANT PROPOS La question de ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler le « cannabis thérapeutique », mis à part ses enjeux politico-économiques, est loin de se limiter au cannabis lui-même, en tant que plante et en tant que substances actives. La découverte fondamentale des derniers travaux de recherche ne tient pas à l’identification d’un certain nombre de cannabinoïdes et de terpènes, elle tient à la mise à jour de tout un [...]

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Français, encore un effort pour le cannabis thérapeutique ! Dr Bertrand Lebeau, texte pour Michka, mai 2008)

Français, encore un effort pour le cannabis thérapeutique ! Dr Bertrand Lebeau, texte pour Michka, mai 2008.   La redécouverte des propriétés thérapeutiques du cannabis est récente dans les pays occidentaux mais, désormais, les recherches se multiplient et les cadres légaux se transforment. Pour comprendre la situation actuelle il faut faire un bref retour en arrière. Tout d’abord l’utilisation de « drogues » comme médicaments est habituelle et l’on peut affirmer que toute drogue a été, est ou sera un médicament. La morphine, et dans certains pays l’héroïne, sont utilisées pour leurs propriétés contre la douleur, la cocaïne a bouleversé la chirurgie de l’œil [...]

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Medicinal cannabis – Potential Drug Interactions, M.A. Alsherbiny, C. Guang Li, décembre 2018

Medicinal cannabis - Potential Drug Interactions M.A. Alsherbiny, C. Guang Li, décembre 2018. www.preprints.org,  doi:10.20944/preprints201812.0032.v1   https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329559938_Medicinal_Cannabis_-_Potential_Drug_Interactions   Endocannabinoids system (ECS) engrossed a considerable interest as potential therapeutic targets in various carcinomas and cancer related conditions alongside with neurodegenerative diseases. Cannabinoids are implemented in several physiological processes such as appetite stimulation, energy balance, pain modulation and the control of chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV). However, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics interactions could be perceived in drug combinations, so in this short review we tried to shed the light over the potential drug interactions of medicinal cannabis. Hitherto, few data have been provided to the healthcare practitioners about [...]

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Antidepressive-like effect induced by Cannabidiol is dependent on brain serotonine levels, A.J. Sales et al., 2018

Antidépresseur-like effect induced by Cannabidiol is dependent on brain serotonin levels. A.J. Sales, C. C. Crestani, F. S. Guimaraes, S. R.L. Joca, Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 2018 Aug 30; 86: 255-261. Doi: 10.1016/j.pnpbp.2018.06.002 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29885468 PMID : 29885468 Abstract Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound of Cannabis sativa with relevant therapeutic potential in several neuropsychiatric disorders including depression. CBD treatment has shown significant antidepressant-like effects in different rodent preclinical models. However, the mechanisms involved in CBD-induced antidepressant effects are still poorly understood. Therefore, this work aimed at investigating the participation of serotonin (5-HT) and/or noradrenaline (NA) in CBD-induced antidepressant-like effects in [...]

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The Endocannabinoid System as A Target for Novel Anxiolytic and Antidepressant Drugs, Chapter 5, S. Gaetani et al., 2009

The Endocannabinoid System as A Target for Novel Anxiolytic and Antidepressant Drugs,  Chapter 5 S. Gaetani, P. Dipasquale, A. Romano, L. Righetti, T. Cassano, D. Piomelli, V. Cuomo, International Review of Neurobiology, 2009, 85, 57-72 DOI: 10.1016/S0074-7742(09)85005-8 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/26675793_Chapter_5_The_Endocannabinoid_System_as_A_Target_for_Novel_Anxiolytic_and_Antidepressant_Drugs   I. The Endogenous Cannabinoid System II. Endocannabinoid Role in Emotional Reactivity and Mood Tone III. EVects of Exogenously Administered Cannabinoid Agonists and Antagonists IV. Enhancement of the Endogenous Cannabinoid Tone V. Faah-Knockout Phenotype VI. Conclusions References   Observational studies in humans suggest that exposure to marijuana and other cannabis-derived drugs produces a wide range of subjective eVects on mood tone and emotionality. These observations have their counterpart in animal studies, showing that cannabinoid agonists strongly [...]

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The endocannabinoid system as a target for novel anxiolytic drugs, S. Patel et al., 2017

The endocannabinoid system as a target for novel anxiolytic drugs S. Patel, M.N. Hill, J.F. Cheer, C.T. Wotjak, A. Holmes, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2017, 76, 56-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2016.12.033 Abstract The endocannabinoid (eCB) system has attracted attention for its role in various behavioral and brain functions, and as a therapeutic target in neuropsychiatric disease states, including anxiety disorders and other conditions resulting from dysfunctional responses to stress. In this mini-review, we highlight components of the eCB system that offer potential ‘druggable’ targets for new anxiolytic medications, emphasizing some of the less well-discussed options. We discuss how selectively amplifying eCBs recruitment by interfering with eCB-degradation, via fatty [...]

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The Intricate Influence of the Placebo Effect on Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids, J. Gertsch, 2018.

The Intricate Influence of the Placebo Effect on Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids J. Gertsch Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids, 2018, 1, 60-64. Preclinical Science and Clinical Studies – Commentary DOI: 10.1159/000489291 https://www.karger.com/Article/Pdf/489291   Abstract The botanical drug cannabis flos (inflorescence of Cannabis sativa L.) has a unique popular status as being a potent recreational drug and bona fide universal remedy (panacea). Generally, cannabinoids exert therapeutic effects in a broad range of pathophysiologies related to inflammation, pain, metabolic and stress-related conditions in preclinical animal models. However, the translation of such data to humans still lacks an evidence-based foundation. Motivated by the booming cannabis manufacturing industry and the increasing worldwide self-therapy [...]

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Contribution à une exploration des propriétés thérapeutiques de cannabis, F-R. Ingold, C. Sueur, C. Kaplan, Annales Médico-Psychologiques, 2015, 173, 453-459

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275672267_Contribution_a_une_exploration_des_proprietes_therapeutiques_du_cannabis Contribution à une exploration des propriétés thérapeutiques du cannabis F. R. INGOLD ; C. SUEUR ; C. D. KAPLAN | Dans Annales Médico-Psychologiques, Revue psychiatrique (Vol.173, n°5, Juin 2015) Résumé Nous rendons ici hommage à Moreau (de Tours) pour son travail sur le haschisch et les essais thérapeutiques avant-gardistes qu’il a menés. Le cannabis est connu pour ses utilisations à visée thérapeutique depuis au moins 6000ans avant notre ère. Nous examinons les données ethnobotaniques, biologiques et cliniques qui font état de ces usages. L’identification récente des premiers cannabinoïdes et de leurs mécanismes d’action via les récepteurs CB1 et CB2 a été à [...]

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