Étiquette : spiritualité

BIBLIOGRAPHIE : Substances psychédéliques : anthropologie, sociologie, spiritualité, chamanisme, culture…, Docteur Christian Sueur, GRECC, mai 2020

BIBLIOGRAPHIE : Substances psychédéliques : anthropologie, sociologie, spiritualité, chamanisme, culture…   Docteur Christian Sueur, GRECC, mai 2020   Substances psychédéliques, anthropologie, sociologie, culture… : pp 1 - 6 Substances psychédéliques et Chamanisme : pp 7 - 10 Psychédéliques et “spiritualité” : religion, mysticisme, enthéogènes : pp 11 - 23  

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The origins of cannabis smoking: Chemical residue evidence from the first millennium BCE in the Pamirs, Meng Ren et al., 2019

The origins of cannabis smoking: Chemical residue evidence from the first millennium BCE in the Pamirs Meng Ren, Zihua Tang, Xinhua Wu, Robert Spengler, Hongen Jiang, Yimin Yang, Nicole Boivin Science Advances, 2019, 5, eaaw1391. Doi : 10.1016/sciadv.aaw1391   Cannabis is one of the oldest cultivated plants in East Asia, grown for grain and fiber as well as for recreational, medical, and ritual purposes. It is one of the most widely used psychoactive drugs in the world today, but little is known about its early psychoactive use or when plants under cultivation evolved the phenotypical trait of increased specialized compound production. The archaeological evidence for [...]

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The epidemiology of 5-Methoxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) use: Benefits, consequences, patterns of use, subjective effects, and reasons for consumption, Alan K. Davis et al., 2018

The epidemiology of 5-Methoxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) use: Benefits, consequences, patterns of use, subjective effects, and reasons for consumption Alan K. Davis, Joseph P. Barsuglia, Rafael Lancelotta, Robert M. Grant, and Elise Renn Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2018, 32, (7), 779–792. doi : 10.1177/0269881118769063   Abstract Background/Aim : 5-Methoxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) is a psychoactive compound found in several plants and in high concentrations in Bufo alvarius toad venom. Synthetic, Toad, and Plant-sourced 5-MeO-DMT are used for spiritual and recreational purposes and may have psychotherapeutic effects. However, the use of 5-MeO-DMT is not well understood. Therefore, we examined patterns of use, motivations for consumption, subjective effects, and potential benefits and consequences [...]

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A propos de : Voyage aux confins de l’esprit, de Michael Pollan, Dopamine, 13, 2020

A propos de : Voyage aux confins de l’esprit, de Michael Pollan (Ce que le LSD et la psilocybine nous apprennent sur nous-mêmes, la conscience, la mort, les addictions et la dépression) à propos de l'ouvrage de Michael Pollan Traduction : Leslie Talaga et Caroline Lee Editions Quanto, octobre 2019 444 pages - 23,25 euros Dans l'excellente Revue Dopamine, 2020, n°13, pp 59-69 Ce voyage aux confins de l’esprit de Michael Pollan, journaliste scientifique, nous embarque sur la planète psychédélique, celle où des substances comme le LSD ou les champignons psilocybes, par exemple, ont acquis du galon... Après avoir eu leurs heures de gloire dans les années [...]

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The Religious Significance of Entheogenic Drugs, Hugh Asher,

The Religious Significance of Entheogenic Drugs Hugh Asher More Info: This is my unpublished Master's Dissertation.   Abstract This paper examines the use of psychoactive substances such as Psilocybin, Mescaline, and LSD as adjuncts to mystical, religious or spiritual experiences. There is an analysis of the psychological changes and the changes in perception that these substances cause and how these can be interpreted as contributing to religious or spiritual enlightenment. There is also a discussion on the nature of what could be considered a religious experience. An overview of the use of such ‘entheogenic’ drugs from an historical perspective follows, looking specifically at the use of [...]

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Changes in Spirituality Among Ayahuasca Ceremony Novice Participants, Stephen M. Trichter, 2006

Changes in Spirituality Among Ayahuasca Ceremony Novice Participants Stephen M. Trichter A Clinical Research Project Submitted to the Faculty of Argosy University, San Francisco Bay Area In partial fulfillment of the requirements for The degree of Doctor of Psychology Point Richmond, California Copyright May 2006 _____________________________   CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION Context of the Problem Psychiatry and clinical psychology have developed with the aim of relieving maladaptive psychological symptoms, partially through the use of medical technology. Presently, the field encourages the use of anti-depressants, anti-anxiety agents, and antipsychotics to relieve symptoms from which patients suffer. Despite continuous breakthroughs in psychiatric medicine, many writers feel that this approach is questionable. For [...]

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Therapeutic Applications of Ayahuasca and Other Sacred Medicines, Michael J. Winkelman, 2014

Therapeutic Applications of Ayahuasca and Other Sacred Medicines Michael J. Winkelman chapter 1, in B. Caiuby Labate and C. Cavnar (eds.) : "The Therapeutic Use of Ayahuasca", Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 Doi : 10.1007/978-3-642-40426-9_1   Abstract : Therapeutic applications of the psychedelics or hallucinogens found cross-culturally involve treatment of a variety of physical, psychological, and social maladies. Modern medicine has similarly found that a range of conditions may be successfully treated with these agents. The ability to treat a wide variety of conditions derives from variation in active ingredients, doses and modes of application, and factors of set and setting manipulated in ritual. Similarities in effects reported [...]

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Therapeutic Bases of Psychedelic Medicines : Psychointegrative Effects, Michael J. Winkelman, 2007,

Therapeutic Bases of Psychedelic Medicines : Psycho-integrative Effects Michael J. WINKELMAN chapter 1, in "PSYCHEDELIC MEDICINE: SOCIAL, CLINICAL, AND LEGAL PERSPECTIVES" january 2007, pp 1-19.   INTRODUCTION For thousands of years, human beings have used medicinal plants to enhance their health and well-being. In cultures around the world, plants commonly referred to as psychedelic, hallucinogens, and entheogens have played central roles in their healing practices. These vision-inducing plants have also played important roles in the religious and spiritual practices of many societies, evoking powerful emotional, cognitive, and therapeutic reactions. These plants that were central to concepts of health, spirituality, and well-being were, however, demonized and rejected [...]

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Patient Experiences of Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy : An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, Alexander B. Belser et al., 2017

Patient Experiences of Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy : An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Alexander B. Belser, Gabrielle Agin-Liebes, T. Cody Swift, Sara Terrana, Neşe Devenot, Harris L. Friedman, Jeffrey Guss, Anthony Bossis and Stephen Ross Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 2017, 1 –35 Doi : 10.1177/0022167817706884 journals.sagepub.com/home/jhp   Abstract The psychological mechanisms of action involved in psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy are not yet well understood. Despite a resurgence of quantitative research regarding psilocybin, the current study is the first qualitative study of participant experiences in psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy. Semistructured interviews were carried out with 13 adult participants aged 22 to 69 years (M = 50 years) with clinically elevated anxiety associated with a cancer [...]

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Bibliographie : Psilocybes, psilocybine, Dr Christian Sueur, GRECC, octobre 2019

BIBLIOGRAPHIE : Psilocybes, psilocybine. Dr Christian SUEUR, GRECC, décembre 2019   Psilocybes, psilocybine : généralités ..............................1 Psilocybes : ethnologie ...................................................2 Psilocybine : clinique psychiatrique ..............................4 Psilocybine : pharmacologie ..........................................5 Psilocybine : toxicologie - "effets indésirables" .............7 Psilocybine : neurophysiologie ......................................9 Psilocybine : expériences mystiques .............................13 Psilocybine : thérapie psychédélique ............................15-19    

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