Étiquette : psychédéliques

Perceived outcomes of psychedelic microdosing as self-managed therapies for mental and substance use disorders, Toby Lea et al., 2020

Perceived outcomes of psychedelic microdosing as self-managed therapies for mental and substance use disorders Toby Lea & Nicole Amada & Henrik Jungaberle & Henrike Schecke & Norbert Scherbaum & Michael Klein Psychopharmacology, 2020. Di : 10.1007/s00213-020-05477-0   Abstract Rationale : The regular consumption of very small doses of psychedelic drugs (known as microdosing) has been a source of growing media and community attention in recent years. However, there is currently limited clinical and social research evidence on the potential role of microdosing as therapies for mental and substance use disorders. Objectives : This paper examined subjective experiences of microdosing psychedelics to improve mental health or to cease [...]

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Persisting Reductions in Cannabis, Opioid, and Stimulant Misuse After Naturalistic psychedelic Use : An Online Survey, Albert Garcia-Romeu et al., 2020

Persisting Reductions in Cannabis, Opioid, and Stimulant Misuse After Naturalistic psychedelic Use : An Online Survey Albert Garcia-Romeu, Alan K. Davis, Earth Erowid, Fire Erowid, Roland R. Griffiths and Matthew W. Johnson Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2020, Vol 10, Article 955. Doi : 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00955   Background : Observational data and preliminary studies suggest serotonin 2A agonist psychedelics may hold potential in treating a variety of substance use disorders (SUDs), including opioid use disorder (OUD). Aims : The study aim was to describe and analyze self-reported cases in which naturalistic psychedelic use was followed by cessation or reduction in other substance use. Methods : An anonymous online survey of [...]

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Microdosing psychedelics : Demographics, practices, and psychiatric comorbidities, Daniel Rosenbaum, et al., 2020

Microdosing psychedelics: Demographics, practices, and psychiatric comorbidities Daniel Rosenbaum, Cory Weissman, Thomas Anderson, Rotem Petranker, Le-Anh Dinh-Williams, Katrina Hui and Emma Hapke Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2020, 1-11. doi.org/10.1177/0269881120908004   Abstract Rationale : Microdosing psychedelics – the practice of consuming small, sub-hallucinogenic doses of substances such as LSD or psilocybin – is gaining attention in popular media but remains poorly characterized. Contemporary studies of psychedelic microdosing have yet to report the basic psychiatric descriptors of psychedelic microdosers. Objectives : To examine the practices and demographics of a population of psychedelic microdosers – including their psychiatric diagnoses, prescription medications, and recreational substance use patterns – to develop a foundation [...]

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Psychedelics and Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy, Collin M. Reiff et al., 2019

Psychedelics and Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy Collin M. Reiff, M.D., Elon E. Richman, M.D., Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D., Ph.D., Linda L. Carpenter, M.D., Alik S. Widge, M.D., Ph.D., Carolyn I. Rodriguez, M.D., Ph.D., Ned H. Kalin, M.D., William M. McDonald, M.D., and the Work Group on Biomarkers and Novel Treatments, a Division of the American Psychiatric Association Council of Research AJP in Advance, 2019, 1-20. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2019.19010035   Objective : The authors provide an evidenced-based summary of the literature on the clinical application of psychedelic drugs in psychiatric disorders. Methods : Searches of PubMed and PsycINFO via Ovid were conducted for articles in English, in peer-reviewed journals, reportingon“psilocybin,” [...]

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Serotonin 2A Receptor Signaling Underlies LSDinduced Alteration of the Neural Response to Dynamic Changes in Music, Frederick S. Barrett et al., 2018

Serotonin 2A Receptor Signaling Underlies LSD-induced Alteration of the Neural Response to Dynamic Changes in Music Frederick S. Barrett, Katrin H. Preller, Marcus Herdener, Petr Janata and Franz X. Vollenweider Cerebral Cortex, November 2018, 28, 3939–3950. doi : 10.1093/cercor/bhx257   Abstract Classic psychedelic drugs (serotonin 2A, or 5HT2A, receptor agonists) have notable effects on music listening. In the current report, blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal was collected during music listening in 25 healthy adults after administration of placebo, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), and LSD pretreated with the 5HT2A antagonist ketanserin, to investigate the role of 5HT2A receptor signaling in the neural response to the time-varying tonal [...]

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Reported effects of psychedelic use on those with low well-being given various emotional states and social contexts, Natasha L. Mason et al., 2020,

Reported effects of psychedelic use on those with low well-being given various emotional states and social contexts Natasha L. Mason, Patrick C. Dolder and Kim P.C. Kuypers Drug Science, Policy and Law, 2020, Volume 6, 1–11. Doi : 10.1177/2050324519900068   Abstract Background : It has been suggested that the outcome of the psychedelic experience is dependent on set and setting. While scientific research into the therapeutic potential of psychedelics is growing, it is clear that in clinical populations an optimal set and setting will not always be attainable. It was aimed to assess under which emotional and environmental circumstances psychedelic users use psychedelics, and the outcome [...]

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Therapeutic Potential of Psychedelic Drugs, Justin Briglio, 2015

Therapeutic Potential of Psychedelic Drugs Justin Briglio University of Maine, 2015, 31 p.   Table of Contents Introduction......................................................................................................................................3 History of Psychedelic Research.....................................................................................................6 Recent Research...............................................................................................................................8 Neurobiology of Psychedelics.........................................................................................................9 Therapeutic Potential of Psilocybin...............................................................................................12 Therapeutic Potential of LSD........................................................................................................15 Therapeutic Potential of Ayahuasca..............................................................................................19 Therapeutic Potential of Ibogaine..................................................................................................22 Conclusion.....................................................................................................................................26 References......................................................................................................................................28 A psychedelic compound is a psychoactive drug whose main action is to alter perception and cognition. Psychedelics are distinctive from other psychoactive drugs in that they alter the mind, whereas opiates or stimulants alter the mood (Meyer & Quenzer, 2013). Psychedelics affect nature of consciousness itself and access otherwise unknown states of consciousness, as opposed to affecting the degree or extent of one's consciousness and inducing proverbial moods such as [...]

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Intensity of Mystical Experiences Occasioned by 5-MeO-DMT and Comparison With a Prior Psilocybin Study, Joseph Barsuglia et al., 2018

Intensity of Mystical Experiences Occasioned by 5-MeO-DMT and Comparison With a Prior Psilocybin Study Joseph Barsuglia, Alan K. Davis, Robert Palmer, Rafael Lancelotta, Austin-Marley Windham-Herman, Kristel Peterson, Martin Polanco, Robert Grant and Roland R. Griffiths Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, Vol 9, Article doi : 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02459   5-MeO-DMT is a psychoactive substance found in high concentrations in the bufotoxin of the Colorado River Toad (Bufo alvarius). Emerging evidence suggests that vaporized 5-MeO-DMT may occasion mystical experiences of comparable intensity to those occasioned by more widely studied psychedelics such as psilocybin, but no empirical study has tested this hypothesis. Data was obtained from 20 individuals (Mage = [...]

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La médecine psychédélique renaît peu à peu, France Inter, L’invité de 6h20, vendredi 14 février 2020, sur le site du CIRC

L’invité de 6h20 – La médecine psychédélique renaît peu à peu Fév15 Revue de presse vendredi 14 février 2020 par Mathilde Munos Stéphanie Chayet, journaliste, auteure de Phantastica, ces substances interdites qui guérissent (Grasset) Stéphanie Chayet : “Il n’y a pas plus de troubles psychiatriques chez les usagers de drogues psychédéliques Après le cannabis thérapeutique, verra-t-on d’autres substances, aujourd’hui considérées comme des drogues, devenir des médicaments ? , nous en parlons avec la journaliste Stéphanie Chayet, auteure de « Phantastica ». Elle est l’invitée du 5/7.   https://www.circ-asso.net/linvite-de-6h20-la-medecine-psychedelique-renait-peu-a-peu/ Lecteur audio 00:00 00:00 Source : franceinter.fr Catégorie Revue de presse 15 février 2020

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Ayahuasca : l’importance du cadre et de l’intention lors de prise de psychédéliques, Jean-Charles Bernard, 2016

Ayahuasca : l’importance du cadre et de l’intention lors de prise de psychédéliques Jean-Charles Bernard Psychotropes, 2016, 2, Vol. 22, pages 81 à 100 ISSN 1245-2092, ISBN 9782807390485 Résumé : La boisson amazonienne ayahuasca génère de profonds états modifiés de conscience et s’ingère “traditionnellement” lors de rituels dans un but précis : apprentissage, guérison, divination… Le sens de l’expérience est consubstantiel au rituel dans la culture chamanique où l’accès au “monde-autre” appartient au champ des possibles. La globalisation de cette boisson a vu naître de nouveaux usages, tout d’abord dans les religions de l’ayahuasca au Brésil et dans les centres néo-psychothérapiques en Amérique du [...]

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