Étiquette : microdoses

Psycholytic and Psychedelic Therapy Research 1931-1995 : A Complete International Bibliography, Torsten Passie, 1997

Psycholytic and Psychedelic Therapy Research 1931-1995 : A Complete International Bibliography Torsten Passie Laurentius Publishers, Hannover, Germany, 1997 Kleine bibliographische Reihe, vol. 3. (Ed. Raimund Dehmlow), ISSN 0941-6617 ISBN 3-931614-83-2 (cloth), ISBN 3-931614-84-0 (pbk)   Preface I. Introduction     9 II. Organization of the Bibliography     21 III. Bibliography 1. General Approach and Basic Research    23 2. Psycholytic Therapy     42 3. Psychedelic Therapy    70 IV. Major Scientific Conferences on the Subject    88 V. Major Bibliographic Sources   89 Author Index    90 Subject Index    95 About the Authors     102  

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Psychedelic microdosing benefits and challenges : an empirical codebook, Thomas Anderson et al., 2019

Psychedelic microdosing benefits and challenges : an empirical codebook Thomas Anderson, Rotem Petranker, Adam Christopher, Daniel Rosenbaum, Cory Weissman, Le-Anh Dinh-Williams, Katrina Hui, Emma Hapke Harm Reduction Journal, 2019. Doi : 10.1186/s12954-019-0308-4   Abstract Background : Microdosing psychedelics is the practice of consuming very low, sub-hallucinogenic doses of a psychedelic substance, such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) or psilocybin-containing mushrooms. According to media reports, microdosing has grown in popularity, yet the scientific literature contains minimal research on this practice. There has been limited reporting on adverse events associated with microdosing, and the experiences of microdosers in community samples have not been categorized. Methods : In the present study, [...]

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Toujours plus avec la chimie psychédélique, Thibault Henneton, 2019

Toujours plus avec la chimie psychédélique par Thibault Henneton Manière de Voir (Le Monde Diplomatique), 2019, 163,   Fruits d’une inventivité chimique sans limites, les nouveaux produits de synthèse (NPS) se sont multipliés ces dix dernières années, notamment dans les milieux festifs alternatifs. Moins chers que la cocaïne, ils restent difficiles à cerner tant pour les autorités que pour les usagers, incapables d’en connaître à l’avance les effets véritables, dont certains mènent aux hôpitaux, désarmés pour les traiter. Akatre ///// « Djeff », 2018 Placés récemment sous les projecteurs, les nouveaux produits de synthèse (NPS) inonderaient le marché des stupéfiants. Dans son dernier rapport annuel, l’Observatoire français des [...]

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Le microdosage de substances psychédéliques : bref historique et nouveaux axes de recherche, Vittorio Biancardi,

Le microdosage de substances psychédéliques : bref historique et nouveaux axes de recherche Vittorio Biancardi Revue CIRCE, 2019, 11, 25pp   Résumé Le micro-dosage est un phénomène social de plus en plus répandu parmi la communauté des consommateurs et consommatrices des substances dites psychédéliques. Il consiste une consommation d’un dixième de la dose typique de substance (principalement LSD ou Psilocybine) de façon fréquente, deux ou trois fois par semaine, pour améliorer les capacités cognitives ou comme auto-thérapie. L’analyse de ce phénomène est actuellement très fragmentaire et inconsistante, tant du point de vue des sciences humaines que du point de vue des sciences dites «dures». L’objectif [...]

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Chronic, Intermittent Microdoses of the Psychedelic N,N‑Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) Produce Positive Effects on Mood and Anxiety in Rodents, Lindsay P. Cameron et al., 2019

Chronic, Intermittent Microdoses of the Psychedelic N,N‑Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) Produce Positive Effects on Mood and Anxiety in Rodents Lindsay P. Cameron, Charlie J. Benson, Brian C. DeFelice, Oliver Fiehn, and David E. Olson ACS Chemical Neurosciences, 2019 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.8b00692   ABSTRACT : Drugs capable of ameliorating symptoms of depression and anxiety while also improving cognitive function and sociability are highly desirable. Anecdotal reports have suggested that serotonergic psychedelics administered in low doses on a chronic, intermittent schedule, so-called “microdosing”, might produce beneficial effects on mood, anxiety, cognition, and social interaction. Here, we test this hypothesis by subjecting male and female Sprague Dawley rats to behavioral testing following the [...]

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Powerful substances in tiny amounts: Exploring the practice of microdosing psychedelic drugs, Petter Grahl Johnstad, 2017

Powerful substances in tiny amounts: Exploring the practice of microdosing psychedelic drugs Petter Grahl Johnstad Working Paper · December 2017 Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2018, Vol. 35(1) 39–51. Doi : 10.1177/1455072517753339   This article presents an explorative study of microdosing practices with psychedelic drugs. A microdose is defined as a sub-perceptual dose, commonly about one tenth of an ordinary recreational dose, which gives no alteration of consciousness or feeling of intoxication. Respondents (n = 17) were recruited at several Internet fora for individual interviews mediated via private messaging. Every participant was male, and the median respondent was in his 30s with a stable job [...]

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Motives and Side-Effects of Microdosing With Psychedelics Among Users, Nadia R. P. W. Hutten et al., 2019

Motives and Side-Effects of Microdosing With Psychedelics Among Users Nadia R. P. W. Hutten, Natasha L. Mason, Patrick C. Dolder, Kim P. C. Kuypers International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2019, 1–9 doi:10.1093/ijnp/pyz029   Abstract Background : Microdosing with psychedelics has gained considerable media attention where it is portrayed as a performance enhancer, especially popular on the work floor. While reports are in general positive, scientific evidence about potential negative effects is lacking aside from the prevalence and motives for use. The present study addressed this gap by surveying psychedelic users about their experience with microdosing including their dosing schedule, motivation, and potential experienced negative effects. Methods : An [...]

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Microdosing psychedelics: More questions than answers? An overview and suggestions for future research, Kim P.C. Kuypers et al., 2019

Microdosing psychedelics: More questions than answers? An overview and suggestions for future research Kim P.C. Kuypers, Livia Ng, David Erritzoe, Gitte M. Knudsen, Charles D. Nichols, David E. Nichols, Luca Pani, Anaïs Soula and David Nutt Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2019, 1-10. Doi: 10.1177/0269881119857204   Abstract Background : In the past few years, the issue of ‘microdosing’ psychedelics has been openly discussed in the public arena where claims have been made about their positive effect on mood state and cognitive processes such as concentration. However, there are very few scientific studies that have specifically addressed this issue, and there is no agreed scientific consensus on what microdosing [...]

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“Microdosers” of LSD and magic mushrooms are wiser and more creative, Anderson T. & Petranker R., 2018

“Microdosers” of LSD and magic mushrooms are wiser and more creative. Anderson T., Petranker R. The Conversation, 2018 Available from: http://theconversation.com/microdosers-of-lsd-and-magicmushrooms- are-wiser-and-more-creative-101302   We just ran the first ever pre-registered scientific study on the microdosing of psychedelics and found some very promising results. We compared people who microdose — that is, who take a psychedelic substance such as LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) or “magic” mushrooms (psilocybin) in very small quantities — with those who don’t, and found that microdosers had healthier scores on key mental health and well-being measures. Specifically, we found that microdosers scored higher on measures of wisdom, open-mindedness and creativity. Microdosers also scored lower on measures [...]

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Psychedelic microdosing benefits and challenges : an empirical codebook, Thomas Anderson et al., 2019

Psychedelic microdosing benefits and challenges : an empirical codebook Thomas Anderson, Rotem Petranker2, Adam Christopher, Daniel Rosenbaum, Cory Weissman, Le-Anh Dinh-Williams, Katrina Hui and Emma Hapke Harm Reduction Journal, 2019, 16, 43, 1-10 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12954-019-0308-4   Abstract Background : Microdosing psychedelics is the practice of consuming very low, sub-hallucinogenic doses of a psychedelic substance, such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) or psilocybin-containing mushrooms. According to media reports, microdosing has grown in popularity, yet the scientific literature contains minimal research on this practice. There has been limited reporting on adverse events associated with microdosing, and the experiences of microdosers in community samples have not been categorized. Methods : In the [...]

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