Étiquette : dépression

The therapeutic potential of harmine and ayahuasca in depression : Evidence from exploratory animal and human studies, Flávia de Lima Osório et al., 2011

The therapeutic potential of harmine and ayahuasca in depression : Evidence from exploratory animal and human studies Flávia de Lima Osório, Ligia Ribeiro Horta de Macedo, João Paulo Machado de Sousa, Joel Porfírio Pinto, João Quevedo, José Alexandre de Souza Crippa and Jaime Eduardo C. Hallak The Ethnopharmacology of Ayahuasca, chapitre 5, 2011, 75-85 Editor : Rafael Guimarães dos Santos ISBN: 978-81-7895-526-1 Abstract The high prevalence and the socio-functional impairment associated with depressive disorders, added to the limitations of currently available treatments, justify the search for novel pharmacological strategies for the management of depression. This chapter presents the major results of animal and human studies conducted [...]

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Opportunities for cannabis in supportive care in cancer, Amber S. Kleckner et al., 2019

Opportunities for cannabis in supportive care in cancer Amber S. Kleckner , Ian R. Kleckner, Charles S. Kamen, Mohamedtaki A. Tejani, Michelle C. Janelsins, Gary R. Morrow and Luke J. Peppone Therapeutic Advances in Medical Oncology, 2019, Vol. 11, 1–29 Doi : 10.1177/1758835919866362   Abstract Cannabis has the potential to modulate some of the most common and debilitating symptoms of cancer and its treatments, including nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, and pain. However, the dearth of scientific evidence for the effectiveness of cannabis in treating these symptoms in patients with cancer poses a challenge to clinicians in discussing this option with their patients. A review [...]

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Les psychédéliques peuvent-ils traiter l’anorexie et la dépression ?, RESPADD, Actualités des Addictions, n°102, septembre 2019

Les psychédéliques peuvent-ils traiter l'anorexie et la dépression ? RESPADD, Actualités des Addictions, n°102, septembre 2019   Depuis son enfance, Rachael Petersen a vécu avec un sentiment de chagrin inexplicable qu'aucune pharmacothérapie ou psychothérapie n’a pu entièrement atténuer. Aussi, en 2017, elle s'est portée volontaire pour participer à un petit essai clinique à l'Université Johns Hopkins, qui testait la psilocybine, l'ingrédient actif des champignons hallucinogènes, pour le traitement de la dépression chronique. «J'étais tellement déprimée», a récemment déclaré Petersen, 29 ans. «J’ai eu l’impression que le monde m’avait abandonné, que j’avais perdu le droit d’exister sur cette planète. Vraiment, c’était comme si mes [...]

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Priority Considerations for Medicinal Cannabis-Related Research, Marcel O. Bonn-Miller et al., 2019

Priority Considerations for Medicinal Cannabis-Related Research Marcel O. Bonn-Miller, Charles V. Pollack, Jr., David Casarett, Richard Dart, Mahmoud ElSohly, Larry Good, Manuel Guzman, Lumır Hanus, Kevin P. Hill, Marilyn A. Huestis, Eric Marsh, Susan Sisley, Nancy Skinner, Judith Spahr, Ryan Vandrey, Eugene Viscusi, Mark A. Ware, and Donald Abrams Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2019, Volume 4, Number 3, 1-19. DOI: 10.1089/can.2019.0045   Keywords : medicinal cannabis; medical marijuana   Introduction and Rationale The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s 2017 publication The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research provided a significant contribution by synthesizing the existing evidence base [...]

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Can Psychedelic Drugs Attenuate Age-Related Changes in Cognition and Affect ?, Jacob S. Aday et al., 2019

Can Psychedelic Drugs Attenuate Age-Related Changes in Cognition and Affect ? Jacob S. Aday, Emily K. Bloesch, & Christopher C. Davoli Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, August 2019 DOI: 10.1007/s41465-019-00151-6   Abstract Older adulthood can be characterized by various cognitive and affective changes. In general, older adults show declines in creativity and executive functioning. They also score lower in openness to experience, empathy, and many suffer from a paucity of meaningful experiences. Further, depression, pessimism, and suicide can be major concerns for this population. Although currently there are few interventions that can effectively address these changes, recent findings from psychedelic science suggest myriad parallels between the effects [...]

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Psychiatric Practice Patterns and Barriers to the Adoption of Esketamine, Samuel T. Wilkinson et al., 2019

Psychiatric Practice Patterns and Barriers to the Adoption of Esketamine Samuel T. Wilkinson, David H. Howard,  Susan H. Busch JAMA Published online August 2, 2019 doi:10.1001/jama.2019.10728   Major depressive disorder (MDD) affects approximately 17.3 million adults in the United States,1 with a 12-month and lifetime prevalence of 10.4% and 20.6%, respectively.2 Conducting clinical trials and developing new treatments for depression can be difficult because of spontaneous recovery rates and placebo effects.3 In addition, many patients with chronic and refractory MDD do not experience clinical improvement even after several treatment courses. There is growing interest in the use of exercise and improved nutrition to treat depression,4 [...]

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Psychedelic drugs in the treatment of anxiety, depression and addiction, Tor-Morten  KVAM et al., 2018

Psychedelic drugs in the treatment of anxiety, depression and addiction Tor-Morten  KVAM, Lowan H. STEWART, Ole A. ANDREASSEN  Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening, 2018. Doi : 10.4045/tidsskr.17.1110   B A C K G R O U N D There is growing interest in the use of psychedelic drugs for the treatment of mental disorders. The drugs are considered safe when administered within a clinical framework. Older studies performed prior to 1970 had methodological shortcomings, but studies in recent years have shown promising results regarding the use of psychedelic drugs in unipolar depression, depression in life-threatening illness, anxiety and addiction. The aim of this literature review is [...]

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Clinical potential of psilocybine as a treatment for mental health conditions, Jeremy Daniel & Margaret Haberman, 2017.

Clinical potential of psilocybine as a treatment for mental health conditions Jeremy Daniel & Margaret Haberman Mental Health Clinician, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 24-28 https://doi.org/10.9740/mhc.2017.01.024   Abstract Psilocybin, a classic hallucinogen, is a chemical produced by more than 100 species of mushrooms worldwide. It has high affinity for several serotonin receptors, including 5-HT1A, 5-HT2A, and 5-HT2C, located in numerous areas of the brain, including the cerebral cortex and thalamus. With legislation introduced in 1992, more work is being done to further understand the implications of psilocybin use in a number of disease states. Certain mental health disease states and symptoms have been studied, including [...]

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Endocannabinoid signaling in psychiatric disorders: a review of positron emission tomography studies, Matthew E. Sloan et al., 2018

Endocannabinoid signaling in psychiatric disorders: a review of positron emission tomography studies Matthew E. Sloan, Caroline W. Grant, Joshua L. Gowin, Vijay A. Ramchandani and Bernard Le Foll Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2018, 0, 1–9; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41401-018-0081-z   Endocannabinoid signaling is implicated in an array of psychopathologies ranging from anxiety to psychosis and addiction. In recent years, radiotracers targeting the endocannabinoid system have been used in positron emission tomography (PET) studies to determine whether individuals with psychiatric disorders display altered endocannabinoid signaling. We comprehensively reviewed PET studies examining differences in endocannabinoid signaling between individuals with psychiatric illness and healthy controls. Published studies evaluated individuals with five psychiatric [...]

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Psilocybin, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Mescaline, and Drug-Induced Synesthesia, Berit Brogaard & Dimitria Electra Gatz, 2016

Psilocybin, Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, Mescaline, and Drug-Induced Synesthesia Berit Brogaard, Dimitria Electra Gatzia Neuropathology of Drug Addictions and Substance Misuse, 2016, Volume 2, chapter 83, 890-905. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-800212-4.00083-2 Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved   INTRODUCTION Synesthesia typically involves either the stimulation of one sensory modality giving rise to an experience in a different sensory modality (such as when a smell or taste gives rise to a color experience) or the stimulation of a single sensory modality giving rise to an unusual qualitative experience (such as when an achromatic grapheme appears colored) (Baron-Cohen, Wyke, & Binnie, 1987; Brogaard, 2012; Cytowic, 1989; Day, 2005; Rich & Mattingley, [...]

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