Étiquette : CBD oil

Effect of two oral formulations of cannabidiol on responses to emotional stimuli in healthy human volunteers : pharmaceutical vehicle matters, Jose´A. Crippa et al., 2021

Effect of two oral formulations of cannabidiol on responses to emotional stimuli in healthy human volunteers: pharmaceutical vehicle matters Jose´A. Crippa, Luiz C. Pereira Junior, Livia C. Pereira, Patricia M. Zimmermann, Liberato Brum Junior, Leticia M. Rechia, Isabella Dias, Jaime E. Hallak, Alline C. Campos, Francisco S. Guimaraes, Regina H. Queiroz, Antonio W. Zuardi Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry, 2021, 1-6. Doi : 10.1590/1516-4446-2020-1684   Objective : To compare plasma concentrations of cannabidiol (CBD) following oral administration of two formulations of the drug (powder and dissolved in oil), and to evaluate the effects of these distinct formulations on responses to emotional stimuli in healthy human volunteers. Methods [...]

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Is cannabis an effective treatment for anxiety disorders ?, Anxiety.org, septembre 2019

Is cannabis an effective treatment for anxiety disorders ? https://www.anxiety.org/is-cannabis-an-effective-treatment-for-anxiety-what-research-shows Lindsey Salerno, M.Ed. from Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Jesse McCann, B.S. from University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine Shari Lieblich, B.S. from University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine Jeremy Tyler, Psy.D. from University of Pennsylvania Is cannabis really an effective treatment for anxiety? Research and evidence shows mixed results so learn the facts here and consult a professional. Facts v. Fiction: What the research says What is cannabis (marijuana)? What are common misconceptions? Yes - cannabis can be an effective anxiety treatment - but the opposite is also true Participate in a clinical trial [...]

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Royaume-Uni : ultimatum pour les fabricants d’huile CBD, Newsweed, 13 février 2020, Aurélien BERNARD

Royaume-Uni : ultimatum pour les fabricants d’huile CBD Newsweed, 13 février 2020 Aurélien BERNARD https://www.newsweed.fr/royaume-uni-ultimatum-huile-cbd/ La Food Standards Agency (FSA), agence britannique responsable de la protection de la santé publique dans l’alimentation, a publié ses tout premiers conseils de sécurité pour les consommateurs concernant l’huile de CBD vendue au Royaume-Uni, ainsi qu’un avertissement aux fabricants de produits à base de CBD. Conseils de sécurité alimentaire sur le CBD La FSA conseille aux femmes enceintes, qui allaitent ou aux personnes qui suivent un traitement médical de ne pas consommer de produits au CBD. Il est également conseillé aux adultes en bonne santé de bien réfléchir avant de [...]

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CBD Oil : An Introduction, Zoe Sigman, 2019

CBD Oil: An Introduction Zoe Sigman 2019 https://www.projectcbd.org/cbd-101/what-is-cbd-oil   Medical patients swear by it. Researchers are intrigued by it. Government regulators are flustered by it. And investors are head over heels for it. CBD oil is the It-Medicine of the moment. A few years ago, hardly anyone knew about CBD oil. Today there’s a huge demand for it. Millions of people are taking CBD oil as a health supplement. But what exactly is it? Where does it come from? How is it made? And what should you know before you buy it? Where Does CBD Oil Come From ? Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of more than 100 unique “cannabinoid” [...]

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