Étiquette : autoexperimentation

OTC Cannabidiol Products Tied to Improved Pain, Sleep, Anxiety, Liz Scherer, Medscape.com, 2022

OTC Cannabidiol Products Tied to Improved Pain, Sleep, Anxiety Liz Scherer https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/967088?uac=292598PZ&faf=1&sso=true&impID=4065214&src=mkm_ret_220305_mscpmrk_neuro_pain Medscape Medical News © January 24, 2022   Over-the-counter cannabidiol (CBD) products appear to improve pain, sleep, and anxiety disorders, preliminary research suggests. Interim findings from the Advancing CBD Education and Science (ACES), a 100% virtual, open label, randomized controlled trial, show study participants experienced various degrees of "clinically meaningful" improvements in sleep quality, anxiety, and pain. “ACES is the largest clinical trial ever conducted on commercially available CBD products and provides first-of-its-kind real world evidence into what conditions users may experience benefit from CBD usage, whether these benefits are clinically meaningful, what attributes of CBD [...]

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Comment microdoser du LSD m’aide à gérer mon autisme, Charlie Ellis, Vice, 08 Janvier 2020

Comment microdoser du LSD m'aide à gérer mon autisme Charlie Ellis Vice, 08 Janvier 2020 https://www.vice.com/fr/article/4agd7d/comment-microdoser-du-lsd-maide-a-gerer-mon-autisme "Je prends fréquemment de très petites quantités de psychédélique pour combler le fossé avec les personnes neurotypiques." C’est toujours le même rituel. J’aime les rituels, ils rationalisent l’absurdité de nos existences et me permettent de continuer à vivre. Réveil engourdi, lavage de mains compulsif, 20 grammes de café et 15 microgrammes de LSD sous la langue. Je suis prête à affronter le monde neurotypique – le monde de ceux qui ne sont pas autistes. Je suis autiste. Je pense, ressens et traite les informations de manière complètement différente. J’ai [...]

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Association Between Recreational Marijuana Legalization in the United States and Changes in Marijuana Use and Cannabis Use Disorder From 2008 to 2016, Magdalena Cerdá et al., 2019

Association Between Recreational Marijuana Legalization in the United States and Changes in Marijuana Use and Cannabis Use Disorder From 2008 to 2016 Magdalena Cerdá, DrPH; Christine Mauro, PhD; Ava Hamilton, BA; Natalie S. Levy, MPH; Julián Santaella-Tenorio, DrPH; Deborah Hasin, PhD; Melanie M.Wall, PhD; Katherine M. Keyes, PhD; Silvia S. Martins, MD, PhD JAMA Psychiatry, 2019. doi : 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2019.3254   IMPORTANCE : Little is known about changes in marijuana use and cannabis use disorder (CUD) after recreational marijuana legalization (RML). OBJECTIVES : To examine the associations between RML enactment and changes in marijuana use, frequent use, and CUD in the United States from 2008 to 2016. DESIGN, SETTING, AND [...]

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Psychedelics & Cannabis Therapeutics, Martin A. LEE, ProjectCBD.org, 2019

Psychedelics & Cannabis Therapeutics Martin A. Lee  April 17, 2019 https://www.projectcbd.org/culture/psychedelics-cannabis-therapeutics High doses of THC are hallucinogenic, and microdosing LSD is a lot like CBD. These mighty molecules can relieve human suffering and they act through the endocannabinoid system. Although it may not be obvious during these Trump-rattled times, we’re in the midst of a psychedelic revival. There is more interest than ever before in experimenting with LSD, magic mushrooms, ayahuasca, ketamine, and other psychedelic drugs. This renaissance is happening without all the fanfare of the day-glo Sixties, when lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) escaped from the laboratory and assumed the lead role in an improbable [...]

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Long-Term Effects of Cannabis on Brain Structure, Giovanni Battistella et al., 2014

Long-Term Effects of Cannabis on Brain Structure Giovanni Battistella, Eleonora Fornari, Jean-Marie Annoni, Haithem Chtioui, Kim Dao, Marie Fabritius, Bernard Favrat, Jean-Frederic Mall, Philippe Maeder and Christian Giroud Neuropsychopharmacology, 2014, 39, 2041–2048. doi:10.1038/npp.2014.67   Abstract The dose-dependent toxicity of the main psychoactive component of cannabis in brain regions rich in cannabinoid CB1 receptors is well known in animal studies. However, research in humans does not show common findings across studies regarding the brain regions that are affected after long-term exposure to cannabis. In the present study, we investigate (using Voxel-based Morphometry) gray matter changes in a group of regular cannabis smokers in comparison with a group of [...]

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Usages d’alcool, de tabac et de cannabis chez les adolescents du secondaire en 2018, Stanislas Spilka et al., Tendances, juin 2018

Usages d’alcool, de tabac et de cannabis chez les adolescents du secondaire en 2018 Stanislas Spilka, Emmanuelle Godeau (EHESP), Olivier Le Nézet, Virginie Ehlinger (Inserm UMR 1027), Eric Janssen, Alex Brissot, Antoine Philippon, Sandra Chyderiotis Tendances, juin 2018 Observatoire français des drogues et des toxicomanies   Observer les premiers usages de substances psychoactives chez les adolescents selon le niveau scolaire [1, 2] permet d’analyser le calendrier de diffusion des consommations pour la mise en oeuvre d’actions de prévention et de politiques de santé publique : quand et où intervenir auprès des élèves, quelles sont les classes « pivots » au cours desquelles les expérimentations s’amorcent ou [...]

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