Étiquette : Alzheimer

La maladie d’Alzheimer et le cannabis médical, Kalapa Clinic, 24/09/2020

La maladie d’Alzheimer et le cannabis médical Kalapa Clinic, Barcelone, Espagne By Alexandra|24,09, 2020   La maladie d’Alzheimer neurodégénérative est la forme la plus courante de démence, qui survient généralement chez les personnes âgées de plus de 65 ans. Environ 24 millions de personnes dans le monde souffrent de cette maladie, qui porte le nom du médecin Alois Alzheimer. Il a décrit la maladie pour la première fois en 1906. La maladie d’Alzheimer : Que se passe-t-il dans le cerveau? Chez les patients atteints de la maladie d’Alzheimer, les cellules nerveuses du cerveau meurent progressivement, ce qui entraîne un rétrécissement du cerveau pouvant aller jusqu’à 20 [...]

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Psychedelics as a Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia, Simon Andrew Vann Jones and Allison O’Kelly, 2020

Psychedelics as a Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia Simon Andrew Vann Jones and Allison O’Kelly Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Liskeard, United Kingdom Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience, August 2020 | Volume 12 | Article 34 doi : 10.3389/fnsyn.2020.00034   Currently, there are no disease-modifying treatments for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or any other dementia subtype. The renaissance in psychedelic research in recent years, in particular studies involving psilocybin and lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), coupled with anecdotal reports of cognitive benefits from micro-dosing, suggests that they may have a therapeutic role in a range of psychiatric and neurological conditions due to their potential to stimulate neurogenesis, provoke neuroplastic [...]

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Bibliographie : Cannabis et Cannabinoïdes en Neurologie, Docteur Christian SUEUR, GRECC, avril 2020

Bibliographie Cannabis et Cannabinoïdes en Neurologie   Docteur Christian SUEUR, GRECC, avril 2020.     Cannabinoïdes et Sclérose en Plaque, p 4. Cannabinoïdes et Migraines, p 7. Cannabinoïdes et maladies neurodégénératives, p 8. Cannabinoïdes et Maladie de Parkinson, p 10. Cannabinoïdes et Maladie de Huntington, p 11. Cannabinoïdes et Maladie d’Alzheimer, p 12.    

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“Go Ask Alice”: The Case for Researching Schedule I Drugs, Kenneth V. ISERSON , 2019

“Go Ask Alice”: The Case for Researching Schedule I Drugs Kenneth V. ISERSON Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 2019, 28, 168–177. © Cambridge University Press 2018. doi : 10.1017/S0963180118000518   Abstract : The available treatments for disorders affecting large segments of the population are often costly, complex, and only marginally effective, and many have numerous side effects. These disorders include dementias, debilitating neurological disorders, the multiple types of drug addiction, and the spectrum of mental health disorders. Preliminary studies have shown that a variety of psychedelic and similar U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Schedule I drugs may offer better treatment options than those that currently exist and pose potentially [...]

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Effects of cannabidiol (CBD) in neuropsychiatric disorders: A review of pre-clinical and clinical findings, Sonja ELSAID, 2019

Effects of cannabidiol (CBD) in neuropsychiatric disorders: A review of pre-clinical and clinical findings. Molecular Basis of Neuropsychiatric Disorders : from Bench to Bedside Sonja ELSAID, Stefan KLOIBER, Bernard Le FOLL Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, 2019, 167, 25-75. doi : 10.1016/bs.pmbts.2019.06.005. Cannabis sativa (cannabis) is on of the oldest plants cultivated by men. Cannabidiol (CBD) is the major non-psychomimetic compound derived from cannabis. It has been proposed to have a therapeutic potential over a wide range of neuropsychiatric disorders. In this narrative review, we have summarized a selected number of pre-clinical and clinical studies, examining the effects of CBD in neuropsychiatric [...]

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Preclinical and Clinical Evidence Supporting Use of Cannabidiol in Psychiatry, Gioacchino Calapai et al., 2019

Preclinical and Clinical Evidence Supporting Use of Cannabidiol in Psychiatry Gioacchino Calapai, Carmen Mannucci, Ioanna Chinou, Luigi Cardia, Fabrizio Calapai, Emanuela Elisa Sorbara, Bernardo Firenzuoli, Valdo Ricca, Gian Franco Gensini and Fabio Firenzuoli Hindawi - Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2019, Article ID 2509129, 11 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/2509129   Background : Cannabidiol (CBD) is a major chemical compound present in Cannabis sativa. CBD is a nonpsychotomimetic substance, and it is considered one of the most promising candidates for the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Objective. &e aim of this review is to illustrate the state of art about scientific research and the evidence of effectiveness of CBD [...]

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Endocannabinoid System in Neurological Disorders, Roberta Ranieri et al., 2016

Endocannabinoid System in Neurological Disorders (Endocannabinoid System and Neurodegeneration) Roberta Ranieri, Chiara Laezza, Maurizio Bifulco, Daniela Marasco and Anna Maria Malfitano Recent Patents on CNS Drug Discovery, 2015, Vol. 10, No. 2, 24 p. Abstract : Background : Several studies support the evidence that the endocannabinoid system and cannabimimetic drugs might have therapeutic potential in numerous pathologies. These pathologies range from neurological disorders, atherosclerosis, stroke, cancer to obesity/metabolic syndrome and others. Methods : In this paper we review the endocannabinoid system signaling and its alteration in neurodegenerative disorders like multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease and discuss the main findings about the use [...]

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Les psychédéliques peuvent-ils traiter l’anorexie et la dépression ?, RESPADD, Actualités des Addictions, n°102, septembre 2019

Les psychédéliques peuvent-ils traiter l'anorexie et la dépression ? RESPADD, Actualités des Addictions, n°102, septembre 2019   Depuis son enfance, Rachael Petersen a vécu avec un sentiment de chagrin inexplicable qu'aucune pharmacothérapie ou psychothérapie n’a pu entièrement atténuer. Aussi, en 2017, elle s'est portée volontaire pour participer à un petit essai clinique à l'Université Johns Hopkins, qui testait la psilocybine, l'ingrédient actif des champignons hallucinogènes, pour le traitement de la dépression chronique. «J'étais tellement déprimée», a récemment déclaré Petersen, 29 ans. «J’ai eu l’impression que le monde m’avait abandonné, que j’avais perdu le droit d’exister sur cette planète. Vraiment, c’était comme si mes [...]

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Priority Considerations for Medicinal Cannabis-Related Research, Marcel O. Bonn-Miller et al., 2019

Priority Considerations for Medicinal Cannabis-Related Research Marcel O. Bonn-Miller, Charles V. Pollack, Jr., David Casarett, Richard Dart, Mahmoud ElSohly, Larry Good, Manuel Guzman, Lumır Hanus, Kevin P. Hill, Marilyn A. Huestis, Eric Marsh, Susan Sisley, Nancy Skinner, Judith Spahr, Ryan Vandrey, Eugene Viscusi, Mark A. Ware, and Donald Abrams Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, 2019, Volume 4, Number 3, 1-19. DOI: 10.1089/can.2019.0045   Keywords : medicinal cannabis; medical marijuana   Introduction and Rationale The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s 2017 publication The Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research provided a significant contribution by synthesizing the existing evidence base [...]

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The neuroprotection of cannabidiol against MPP+-induced toxicity inPC12 cells involves trkA receptors, upregulation of axonal and synapticproteins, neuritogenesis, and might be relevant to Parkinson’s disease, Neife Aparecida Guinaim Santos et al., 2015

The neuroprotection of cannabidiol against MPP+-induced toxicity inPC12 cells involves trkA receptors, upregulation of axonal and synapticproteins, neuritogenesis, and might be relevant to Parkinson's disease Neife Aparecida Guinaim Santos, Nádia Maria Martins, Flávia Malvestio Sisti, Laís Silva Fernandes, Rafaela Scalco Ferreira, Regina Helena Costa Queiroz, Antônio Cardozo Santos Toxicology in Vitro, 2015, 30, 231–240. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tiv.2015.11.004 a b s t r a c t Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive constituent of Cannabis sativa with potential to treat neurodegenerative diseases. Its neuroprotection has beenmainly associated with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant events; however, other mechanisms might be involved. We investigated the involvement of neuritogenesis, NGF receptors (trkA), NGF, and [...]

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