Catégorie : Substances psychédéliques et therapeutique

Chemical evidence for the use of multiple psychotropic plants in a 1,000-year-old ritual bundle from South America, Melanie J. Miller et al., 2019

Chemical evidence for the use of multiple psychotropic plants in a 1,000-year-old ritual bundle from South America Melanie J. Miller, Juan Albarracin-Jordan, Christine Moore, and José M. Capriles PNAS June 4, 2019, 116 (23) 11207-11212; first published May 6, 2019 Significance Humans have a long history of using natural resources, especially plants, to induce nonordinary states of consciousness. Imbibing substances derived from plants have been linked to ancient and elaborate knowledge systems and rituals. While archaeological evidence of the consumption of psychotropics, such as alcohol or caffeine, dates back thousands of years, evidence of the use of other psychoactive substances has been more [...]

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An exploratory study of experiences with conventional eating disorder treatment and ceremonial ayahuasca for the healing of eating disorders, Marika Renelli et al., 2018

An exploratory study of experiences with conventional eating disorder treatment and ceremonial ayahuasca for the healing of eating disorders Marika Renelli, Jenna Fletcher, Kenneth W. Tupper, Natasha Files, Anya Loizaga‑Velder,  Adele Lafrance Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity, 2018   Abstract Purpose : Ayahuasca is a traditional Amazonian medicine that is currently being researched for its potential in treating a variety of mental disorders. This article reports on exploratory qualitative research relating to participant experiences with ceremonial ayahuasca drinking and conventional treatment for eating disorders (EDs). It also explores the potential for ayahuasca as an adjunctive ED treatment. Methods : Thirteen [...]

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Antidepressant effects of a single dose of ayahuasca in patients with recurrent depression: a preliminary report, Flavia de L. Osorio et al., 2015

Antidepressant effects of a single dose of ayahuasca in patients with recurrent depression: a preliminary report Flavia de L. Osorio, Rafael F. Sanches, Ligia R. Macedo, Rafael G. dos Santos, Joao P. Maia-de-Oliveira, Lauro Wichert-Ana, Draulio B. de Araujo, Jordi Riba, Jose´ A. Crippa, Jaime E. Hallak Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, 2015, 37, 13–20 doi:10.1590/1516-4446-2014-1496   Objectives : Ayahuasca (AYA), a natural psychedelic brew prepared from Amazonian plants and rich in dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and harmine, causes effects of subjective well-being and may therefore have antidepressant actions. This study sought to evaluate the effects of a single dose of AYA in six volunteers with a current depressive episode. Methods : [...]

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A Sensory Ecology of Medicinal Plant Therapy in Two Amazonian Societies, GLENN H. SHEPARD JR., 2004

A Sensory Ecology of Medicinal Plant Therapy in Two Amazonian Societies GLENN H. SHEPARD JR. American Anthropologist, 2004, Vol. 106, Issue 2, pp. 252–266, ISSN 0002-7294   ABSTRACT Sensory anthropology has explored sensation as a fruitful but poorly examined domain of cross-cultural research. Curiously, sensory anthropologists have mostly ignored scientific research into sensation, even that which addresses cross-cultural variation. A comparative study in two Amazonian societies (Matsigenka, Yora [Nahua]) documented the role of the senses in medicinal plant therapy and benefited greatly from theoretical insights gleaned from sensory science. The study reveals a complex interweaving of cultural and ecological factors in medicinal plant selection, with sensation [...]

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Quelques problèmes posés par l’ethnopharmacologie et la recherche pharmaceutique sur les substances naturelles, Elisabeth Motte-Florac, 2002

Quelques problèmes posés par l’ethnopharmacologie et la recherche pharmaceutique sur les substances naturelles Some Problems Posed by Ethno‑Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Research into Natural Compounds Elisabeth Motte-Florac Journal des anthropologues, 2002, 88-89, 53-78 Association française des anthropologues Résumé L’examen des publications parues en ethnopharmacologie au cours des dernières décennies fait apparaître que les objectifs majeurs de cette recherche sont d’une part une participation à l’innovation pharmaceutique et d’autre part l’évaluation des pharmacopées traditionnelles. Ces objectifs posent implicitement plusieurs problèmes fondamentaux, complexes, interdépendants, dont l’ampleur tient à la fois à l’importance des enjeux et au fait qu’ils concernent une grande partie de la population mondiale. Jusqu’à quel point [...]

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Use of new and uncommon synthetic psychoactive drugs among a nationally representative sample in the United States, 2005–2017, Joseph J. Palamar & Austin Le, 2019

Use of new and uncommon synthetic psychoactive drugs among a nationally representative sample in the United States, 2005–2017 Joseph J. Palamar & Austin Le Human Psychopharmacology Clinical and Experimental, 2019, e2690 DOI: 10.1002/hup.2690   Abstract Objectives : This study aims to examine patterns and first mentions of reported use of new or uncommon drugs across 13 years, among nationally representative samples in the United States. Methods : Participants (ages ≥12) in the National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (2005–2017, N = 730,418) were provided opportunities to type in names of new or uncommon drugs they had ever used that were not specifically queried. We examined self‐reported [...]

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Approche anthropologique de la dissociation et de ses dispositifs inducteurs, Georges Lapassade, 2005

Approche anthropologique de la dissociation et de ses dispositifs inducteurs Georges Lapassade DESS Ethnométhodologie et Informatique année universitaire 2004-2005 Résumé du séminaire de Georges Lapassade sur l’anthropologie de la dissociation 40 pp   L'anthropologie religieuse, puis l'anthropologie psychologique1 ont contribué fortement au processus historique par lequel la notion de la dissociation, initialement issue de la psychopathologie, a fini par désigner un mécanisme psychobiologique normal et universel (Ludwig 1983). Pour contribuer à cette anthropologie la dissociation, je commencerai par l'étude de certaines pratiques chamaniques examinées du point de vue de la théorie de la conscience dissociée. J'examinerai ensuite la position qui consiste à rejeter cette analyse au motif [...]

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The link between childhood trauma and dissociation in frequent users of classic psychedelics and dissociatives, Sascha B. Thal et al., 2019

The link between childhood trauma and dissociation in frequent users of classic psychedelics and dissociatives Sascha B. Thal, Judith K. Daniels & Henrik Jungaberle Journal of Substance Use, may 2019   ABSTRACT Background : Childhood trauma severity is associated with the level of subsequent substance use as well as with the self-reported severity of dissociation. Classic psychedelics and dissociatives target neurotransmitter systems thought to be involved in the onset of dissociative symptoms and may evoke severe and long-lasting symptoms of depersonalization in some users. However, it is currently unclear whether drug use puts people with a history of childhood trauma at higher risk of developing [...]

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Effects of Schedule I drug laws on neuroscience research and treatment innovation, Nutt D.J. et al., 2013

Effects of Schedule I drug laws on neuroscience research and treatment innovation. Nutt D.J., King L.A., Nichols D.E. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2013, 14, 577-585 DOI : 10.1038/nrn3530   Abstract Many psychoactive drugs are used recreationally, particularly by young people. This use and its perceived dangers have led to many different classes of drugs being banned under national laws and international conventions. Indeed, the possession of cannabis, 3,4‑methylenedioxy- N‑methyl-amphetamine (MDMA; also known as ecstasy) and psychedelics is stringently regulated. An important and unfortunate outcome of the controls placed on these and other psychoactive drugs is that they make research into their mechanisms of action and potential therapeutic [...]

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Psychedelic drugs in the treatment of anxiety, depression and addiction, Tor-Morten Kvam et al., 2018

Psychedelic drugs in the treatment of anxiety, depression and addiction Tor-Morten Kvam, Lowan H. Stewart & Ole A. Andreassen Tidsskriftet, Den Norske Legeforening, November 2018   B A C K G R O U N D There is growing interest in the use of psychedelic drugs for the treatment of mental disorders. The drugs are considered safe when administered within a clinical framework. Older studies performed prior to 1970 had methodological shortcomings, but studies in recent years have shown promising results regarding the use of psychedelic drugs in unipolar depression, depression in life-threatening illness, anxiety and addiction. The aim of this literature review is to [...]

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