Catégorie : Actualités

The neuropsychopharmacology of cannabis : A review of human imaging studies, Michael A.P. Bloomfield et al., 2019

The neuropsychopharmacology of cannabis : A review of human imaging studies Michael A.P. Bloomfield, Chandni Hindocha, Sebastian F. Green, Matthew B.Wall, Rachel Lees, Katherine Petrilli, Harry Costello, M. Olabisi Ogunbiyi, Matthijs G. Bossong, Tom P. Freeman Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2019, 195, 132-161 doi : 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2018.10.006 a b s t r a c t The laws governing cannabis are evolving worldwide and associated with changing patterns of use. The main psychoactive drug in cannabis is Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a partial agonist at the endocannabinoid CB1 receptor. Acutely, cannabis and THC produce a range of effects on several neurocognitive and pharmacological systems. These include effects on executive, emotional, [...]

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Regular cannabis use is associated with altered activation of central executive and default mode networks even after prolonged abstinence in adolescent users : Results from a complementary meta-analysis, Grace Blest-Hopley et al., 2019

Regular cannabis use is associated with altered activation of central executive and default mode networks even after prolonged abstinence in adolescent users : Results from a complementary meta-analysis Grace Blest-Hopley, Vincent Giampietro and Sagnik Bhattacharyya Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2019, 96, 45–55. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2018.10.026: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2018.10.026 PMCID: PMC6331661 PMID: 30395923 Abstract Whether the effects of cannabis use on brain function persist or recover following abstinence remains unclear. Therefore, using meta-analytic techniques, we examined whether functional alterations measured using fMRI persist in cannabis users abstinent for over 25 days (or 600 h) as evidence suggests that the effects on cognitive performance no longer persist beyond this period. Systematic literature search [...]

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Descriptive Psychopathology of the Acute Effects of Intravenous Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Administration in Humans, Marco Colizzi et al., 2019

Descriptive Psychopathology of the Acute Effects of Intravenous Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Administration in Humans Marco Colizzi, NathalieWeltens, Philip McGuire, Lukas Van Oudenhove and Sagnik Bhattacharyya Brain Sciences, 2019, 9, 93 doi : 10.3390/brainsci9040093 Abstract : Background : Cannabis use can increase the risk of psychosis, and the acute administration of its key psychoactive ingredient, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (D9-THC), can induce transient psychotomimetic symptoms. Methods : A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled crossover design was used to investigate the symptomatic effects of acute intravenous administration of D9-THC (1.19 mg/2 mL) in 16 healthy participants (seven males) with modest previous cannabis exposure. Results : In the 20 min following acute D9-THC administration, symptomatic effects of [...]

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A Physician’s Guide to the Cannabidiol Craze, Angela Coombs & Diana M. Martinez, 2019

COMMENTARY A Physician's Guide to the Cannabidiol Craze Angela Coombs, Diana M. Martinez, Medscape, May 31, 2019 Last month at the Columbia University Department of Psychiatry in upper Manhattan, Columbia chief psychiatry resident Dr Angela Coombs interviewed addiction expert Dr Diana Martinez on a number of issues related to the rising popularity and usage of cannabidiol (CBD). Angela Coombs, MD: Hi. My name is Dr Angela Coombs and I'm a chief resident here at Columbia. We are so happy to be able to have Dr Diana Martinez, who's a professor in psychiatry at Columbia and an expert in addiction psychiatry. Today we are talking about [...]

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DOPAMINE CULTURE DROGUES ET SOCIÉTÉ #05 - MA I 2019 DOPAMINE est une revue numérique mensuelle, tout public, dont les articles sont disponibles en continu sur le site. La plupart sont réservés aux abonnés qui reçoivent tous les mois la revue au format PDF. Cette parution s’adresse à tous ceux qui veulent satisfaire leur curiosité et approfondir leurs connaissances, leur regard et réflexion sur la thématique des drogues et addictions, et leurs représentations. DOPAMINE présente, chronique et décrypte un ensemble de références piochées dans l'actualité culturelle : essais, romans, récits de vie, films, séries, vidéos, revues, enquêtes, rapport ou autres documents... Chaque article [...]

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Does cannabis legalisation change healthcare utilisation? A population-based study using the healthcare cost and utilisation project in Colorado, USA, Francesca N Delling et al., 2019

Does cannabis legalisation change healthcare utilisation? A population-based study using the healthcare cost and utilisation project in Colorado, USA Francesca N Delling, Eric Vittinghoff, Thomas A Dewland, Mark J Pletcher, Jeffrey E Olgin, Gregory Nah, Kirstin Aschbacher, Christina D Fang, Emily S Lee, Shannon M Fan, Dhruv S Kazi, Gregory M Marcus BMJ Open, 2019, 9:e027432 http:// dx.doi. org/ 10. 1136/ bmjopen- 2018-027432). Abstract Objective : To assess the effect of cannabis legalisation on health effects and healthcare utilisation in Colorado (CO), the first state to legalise recreational cannabis, when compared with two control states, New York (NY) and Oklahoma (OK). Design : We used the [...]

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Medical Cannabis Use in Glioma Patients Treated at a Comprehensive Cancer Center in Florida, Maija Reblin et al., 2019,

Medical Cannabis Use in Glioma Patients Treated at a Comprehensive Cancer Center in Florida Maija Reblin, Solmaz Sahebjam, Noah C. Peeri, Yessica C. Martinez, Zachary Thompson, and Kathleen M. Egan. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 2019, May 13 Abstract : Background: Glioma is a devastating primary tumor of the central nervous system with difficult-to-manage symptoms. Cannabis products have been postulated to potentially benefit glioma patients. Recent state legalization allowed investigators an opportunity to study glioma patients' adoption of medical marijuana (MM). Objective: Our goals were to: (1) determine the prevalence of marijuana use, both through physician recommendation and self-medication, and (2) evaluate its perceived risks and [...]

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Advisory body on drug misuse to provide framework on medical cannabis by end of 2019

Advisory body on drug misuse to provide framework on medical cannabis by end of 2019 The Pharmaceutical Journal, 9 MAY 2019, By Julia Robinson The Pharmaceutical Journal, May 2019, Vol 302, No 7925, online | DOI: 10.1211/PJ.2019.20206487 Source: Charlie Milligan Roger Knaggs says he isn’t surprised about the lack of medical cannabis prescriptions since its reclassification, warning that it will continue until prescribers have a clearer idea about what they should be prescribing The Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) has been asked to provide an outline framework on medical cannabis by the end of 2019, with the aim of having an initial view [...]

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Cannabis. Where are we and where are we going ?, Edison, 30 april 2019

Cannabis Where are we and where are we going ? Bilan sur les statuts du cannabis dans le monde Le groupe Edison a publié une revue sur le statut du cannabis dans le monde. Où sommes-nous et où allons-nous?   EDISON Healthcare, 30 April 2019 The cannabis sector is relatively broad, spanning FDA-approved drugs toconsumer products. Both markets are still at a fraction of their potential peak sizes due to laws forbidding the use of cannabis and also regulatory hesitance to approve drugs with related active ingredients. Worldwide sales for all regulator-approved cannabinoid therapeutics were only $53m in 2018 while the total legal cannabis market [...]

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IACM-Bulletin du 31 Mai 2019

IACM-Bulletin du 31 Mai 2019   Science/Homme: D'après une étude clinique, le CBD réduit le besoin impérieux d'abstinence chez les sujets toxicodépendants à l'héroïne Etats-Unis: Le Dakota du Nord décriminalise l'usage du cannabis chez les adultes, jusqu'à aujourd’hui c’était 10 États qui avaient légalisé l'usage du cannabis pour les adultes Gréce: Six licences accordées à des sociétés pour la culture de cannabis Science/Animal: Selon un essai clinique contrôlé, le CBD est d'efficacité modérée dans la réduction des crises convulsives chez les chiens épileptiques En bref Un coup d'œil sur le passé Science/Homme: [...]

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